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My birthday was a month ago, and usually, birthdays are a good thing, right?

Mine was a mess.

A few days before school ended, I handed out 9 invitations to my party. They had the date, the time, and the number to call and RSPV (basically just call/text and say that you were going)

I spent two months waiting, and waiting, and waiting, but nobody called.

I tried to make the best out of it. I just myself that nobody RSPV's anymore, and that people would still show.

Two days before my party, my friend's dad texted my aunt to say that they could make it. 

I was so excited. if one person could come, surely others could come too, right?

So, my special day rolled around, and we went to go pick up my friend, and I think now is a good time to mention that they are probably one of the most socially awkward people ever. 

Not in a bad way, sometimes it's actually really cute, but still, probably not much of a party person.

So, we went to my mom and dads, and we went inside. I was so excited to see all my friends, but when I walked in, it was just my family. 

I thought "it's okay, I'm probably early!"

So, the entire party I waited, and I waited, but nobody else showed.

Now, my friend was still at the party, and I didn't want them to think that they weren't enough for me to be happy, so what did I do? 

I held in tears the entire 2 hours of my party. 

As soon as they left, I bawled my eyes out. 

I'm still distraught about it.

I still cry at night.

And I still think. 


"Why is it always me?"

So, I think I have the right to say that I don't really have any friends. 

Am I crying right now? yes.

Am I being a baby about it? yes.

And this folks, is why I probably won't ever have a birthday party again.

Because I will never risk feeling like this because of a party again.


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