Chapter 1

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"Stacy! Where were you? Were you trying to go out again? How many times have I told you not to go there? The Meso would get super angry if he knows that you were out there on the surface.", Stacy's mom scolded her for going out on the Moon's surface again.
"Mom... I just wanna see how the surface and the outer space looks like. And what would The Meso do if he gets angry? Send me to the Earth for a 5 year punishment? Anyways I wanna see the Earth and the Earthlings...", Stacy replied.
"My dear child, why don't you understand? The Earth is a dangerous planet. The people there live on the surface, unlike us, who live under the surface. The Earthlings are ugly and rude. And they breathe oxygen! Can you even imagine? Oxygen?! It's horrible. And the Earthlings are so dominating, that when they got bored of their own planet, they sent UFOs to our Moon. Those Earthlings are never satisfied with what they have. Thank The Meso, that we are living under the surface, otherwise, the Earthlings would have killed us already.", Stacy's mom tries to scare her so that she never goes on the surface again.
"Well well, that's a lot of life lessons for today. I'm going to play with my friends. Byee.", Stacy goes out all fed up by her mom's lecture.
"Hey guys! How have you been?", Mekora comes and sits with the other two in the playhouse.
"We've been fine.", Stacy replies.
All of Stacy's friends including Stacy, gather up in the playhouse in the evening to meet and play.
"You know what guys? I'm really bored of flying here under the surface. I sometimes wanna go out to the surface and fly there.", Rikoko actions flying as she tells her dreams.
"You're right Rikoko. Even I want to fly over the surface. But mom says that if the Earthlings' UFOs spot us, they would kill us. But why? The Moon belongs to us. We can do whatever we want to on the Moon. Do we kill the Earthlings when they come on the surface? Let alone come, they live on the surface.", Stacy says with anger.
"Exactly, we never interfere with the Earthlings, then why do they come on our Moon and keep a check on us?", Mekora says agreeing to Stacy.
As they were talking, a loud and heavenly voice says,
"My dear Moonians (pronounced as Moo-ni-yns), there's a new UFO that landed on the surface of our Moon. So dear Moonians, don't go on the surface and make sure that none of your kids go the surface either. That's it. Be safe."
"Here goes The Meso with his announcements... Anyways our parents aren't allowing us to go on the surface, and now he wants them to keep a strict check on us? That's annoying.", Rikoko says with an annoyed face.
"Hey, I've heard that when The Meso gets angry with any Moonian, he sends them to that horrible blue and green planet, Earth. And we want to explore Earth. Then why don't we do something that annoys The Meso and he would send us on Earth. Anyways, it's just a 5 year punishment. We would go on the Earth and tell them not to send UFOs on the Moon as it creates troubles for us Moonians. How's the idea?", Stacy says being a bit excited.
"The idea is good. But there's a problem. If you tell them not to send UFOs because of the troubles we Moonians face, they would come to know that there are creatures living on the Moon. And that what those Earthlings are trying to find. Life on the Moon! And if they know about us, they would definitely send more and more UFOs to capture us and rule over our Moon.", Mekora says as he's a bit of a clever clogs.
"Isn't The Meso stronger than all the Earthlings' power combined? He would handle if anything goes wrong.", Rikoko says.
"But if The Meso was strong enough, why would he stop us from going on the surface? Why does he wants us to be hidden under the surface? He could have protected us from the Earthlings and their UFOs.", Mekora keeps his opinion.
"That's also true. Wait, does this mean that The Meso isn't that strong and all the stories we've heard about The Meso's powers, are a LIE?!?", Stacy says shocked.
"Yeah, that might be true.", Rikoko replies.
"So isn't The Meso basically ruling us by telling that he's the strongest?", Stacy says.
"That's also possible. But why does he rule us? What does he get in return?", Rikoko asks.
"He gets the attention and the God like treatment. The Earthlings say 'Thank God' or 'Oh my God!' and we Moonians say 'Thank The Meso' and 'Oh my Meso'. Understood? He gets the God like treatment.", Mekora replies.
"But what would he do after getting the God like treatment?", Stacy asks.
"Maybe he has some big plans. And maybe he keeps those plans' setup on the surface. That's why he doesn't allow us Moonians to go on the surface! That fits perfectly!", Mekora says.
"Omo! Then we should leave the Moon as soon as possible!", Stacy says.
"But we aren't even allowed to go on the surface, let alone leaving the Moon.", Rikoko says.
"Hmm, but who's stopping us from going on the surface? The Meso? He's just a fragile creature who orders us using his voice. I've never seen The Meso.", Stacy says.
"Neither have we.", both Rikoko and Mekora say.
"So guys, let's go on the surface. And even if The Meso gets angry and sends us on the Earth, we would explore a whole new world!", Stacy says excited.
"I don't think that's a good idea.", Mekora says.
"I agree with Mekora.", Rikoko says.
"Oh, come on guys. Why are you scared? I'm here right. I'll handle. Let's go.", Stacy says getting up.

They all go towards the abandoned wall and cross it by flying over the wall. Because of their young age and small height, the sensors don't get the signal of someone passing over the walls.
They fly a bit higher and open the restricted door which opens upwards. They all come out. On the surface.
"Woww, the surface is so clean. And the Moon soil is so good here that we can grow as much silver as we want and eat.", Stacy says all excited.
"And see, there's the Earth! It's the shape of a hemisphere. Wait what? A hemisphere? Our teacher told us that the Earth is a sphere. ", Rikoko says with a flummoxed countenance.
"Idiot, that's because the sunlight isn't reaching the other half of the Earth. And see, we can absorb so much sunlight here that we won't need to drink for days. The sunlight under the surface is very expensive. It's price is about 9 to 10 silver bricks for one packet of sunlight.", Mekora says.
"That's true. Pure sunlight... Woww", Rikoko says absorbing as much sunlight as she can.

Stacy goes around the surface to see if she could find any UFO.

"What on Moon are you doing here??", The Meso says angrily.
"Umm... Who are you?", Stacy asks looking at a man who was The Great Almighty Meso.
He had golden wavy hair. And his eyes were the most wonderful eyes any Moonian had ever seen. His muscular body was covered in a gold dress which kinda revealed his chest. He wore gold shoes studded with little diamonds. Seems like he was pretty rich to have all those.
Of course, why wouldn't he be rich? All the silver which he takes in exchange of sunlight packets, he uses them to make these.
"I'm The Meso. And I see, that in spite of telling you thousands times not to come on the surface, you are here, yet again. Seems like you really need a punishment. All the other times you came here, I didn't punish you thinking that you are a young Moonian. But no, you are a very naughty Moonian.", The Meso says with anger.
"But The Meso, I'm not the only one here, my friends are also here. Punish them too.", Stacy points towards Mekora and Rikoko.
They were too scared to even speak. As soon as The Meso turned towards them, they got down on their knees and bowed towards The Meso.
"O Dear Great Meso, please forgive us. We were too stupid to follow this Moonian Stacy. The greatest of the greatest Meso, please forgive us young Moonians with young idiotic minds.", Mekora says.
They both stay in that position.
"You two Moonians aren't that mischievous. I never saw you trying to come on the surface. Now that you did because of Stacy, you are forgiving by bowing down. I acccept your apology. But this Stacy, she wanted you two to get punished. So I give your punishments to her.
Stacy, you'll stay on Earth, not for five years, but for 15 years straight. And that too, not simply. You'll be a new born baby when you go on Earth. And will grow up till 15 years on that dreaded planet. Once you complete your 15th birthday, you would directly be transported to The Moon. Good luck.", The Meso says.
Stacy starts crying.
"The Meso, please don't do this. Don't send me to that cringey blue and green planet where the people are rude. I don't wanna live away from my family for a whole 15 years. *Sob* *sob*. Please don't." *Sob*.
"Once a decision is taken by me, I never change it.", The Meso says.
"O The Great Almighty Meso, if you won't change your decision, please atleast give her something which she can use to communicate with us. We really love our friend. Please?", Rikoko says being a bit teary.
"Fine then. I give you this pendent. Wear this and you can communicate to your friends and family. But this works only at night.", Meso says giving Stacy a silver chain with a Cresent Moon shaped pendent. The Moon pendent was made of silver with five diamonds on it. The middle one was a purple amethyst, the two surrounding the purple amethyst were black diamonds. And the last two were blue and green gems.
Stacy takes it and wears it.
The Meso chants something and a bright light appears around Stacy. Soon, she starts disappearing...
And in some 5 seconds, she vanished.
"She would take birth as a baby on the Earth and stay there for a whole fifteen years.", The Meso tells Rikoko and Mekora.
They both shake their heads and leave.
Once they reach back under the surface, they fly to Stacy's house and tells her mother everything. Her mother gets sad but she already knew that this was possible as Stacy never listened to her.

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