Chapter 4 (Conclusion)

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Stacy always talked with her friends on the Moon and got to know what all is happening there. She also told about her life on Earth.
She was now five years old. She had started going to school and she even made new friends.
One night, Stacy was in the balcony, talking to her friends on the Moon. Rikoko said, "You know what Stacy? Our relatives from Mars told us that Earthlings have also reached Mars and they are gonna capture that too."
"These Earthlings are just too much. Why are they never satisfied with what they have? Today, I was watching a cartoon named Doreamon-", Stacy was telling as Rikoko asked, "What's a cartoon?"
"A cartoon is a funny looking Earthling which does crazy things inside a box named TV.", Stacy explains.
"Ooo. Okay, then?", Rikoko asks.
"Then, there was a caricature named Nobita who came to Doraemon asking for something. Doraemon gave him all he could but still Nobita wasn't satisfied. Same are the Earthlings. They are never satisfied.", Stacy explained.
"You know what? The Moon's official people asked The Meso to do something about these Earthlings. The Meso said that we must do something to tell the Earthlings to stop their invasions and let us live peacefully. I've heard that The Meso has befriended The Hady, who is the main protector of Mars. And The Hady has accepted to help us. The Hady said that why don't the Martians (creatures living on Mars) and Moonians become one and fight against the Earthlings. That would be a good idea I guess.", Rikoko said.
"But then, there would be a Universal War. And that could be very dangerous. The Moon and Mars are smaller than Earth and the population of the Earthlings are far more than us combined. And these Earthlings also have many advanced weapons. There is very less chance of us winning.", Stacy said.
"Then what should we do? We can't live with the fear of Earthlings capturing us for our whole life...", Rikoko said.
"I don't know... Ask Mekora. Maybe he could find a way. But first convey this message to The Meso that you can't attack now.", Stacy said.
"Okie. I'll tell you tomorrow what Mekora and The Meso has to say about this.", Rikoko says.
"Okie, bye.", Stacy says and breaks the connection between her Moon pendent and The Moon. She then goes to sleep.

Here on The Moon...
Rikoko tells Mekora everything that Stacy said. They convey this message to the Meso. The Meso says, "Okay, so... what if we Moonians, the Martians, the Phobosians and the Deimosians (Phobos and Deimos are the moon's of Mars and these are the creatures living on those moons) and the Venusese (Creatures living on Venus) all come together to capture the Earthlings and tell them how we feel when they try and invade our homeland?"
"That's a good idea The Great Almighty Meso. We'll contact the other creatures and build a big team.", one of The Meso's officials says.
"Ok. Be quick. It should be done before the Earthlings' UFOs (satellites) find out about our existence.", The Meso says.
"Yes The Meso.", the officials say and get to work.
They have to destroy this planet named Earth!
Very soon, the teams get ready to fight.
"The Mesooo.... Waitt!!", Rikoko and Mekora say as they come flying as fast as they can.
"Why are you kids here? You should be at home, watching the telecast cloud.", The Meso says.
(The telecast cloud is like a TV, but under the surface of the Moon.)
"Yeah, we know that The Meso but there's one thing. Stacy is still living on the Earth. And you can't kill your own Moonian. Please call her back. We can't lose her.", Rikoko says.
"Hmm... About that... I'll give Stacy some other punishment. I'm calling her back.
The Meso chants something and a bright light appears.

Meanwhile on Earth...
"Aurora!! Why are you so mischievous? I'm fed up of you! You and Chimmy always build up trouble for me! Now, tell me why did you break the precious vase at Mrs. Gill's house? You know how much she made me compensate for that old vase?", Stacy's mom asks scolding them.
"Mom, that auntie was boasting too much about just an old vase. She was like, 'Oh my god, do you know that this vase was owned by my grandfather's grandfather's grandfather. And it's cost right now is more than a million, no, billion, no, more than a trillion dollars... Oh my gosh, I need to keep it with so much care, it's such a masterpiece!', and she went on and on and on. I got fed up and put a piece of chicken below the vase. Chimmy smelled it and jumped to eat it and it fell and broke... It's Chimmy's fault not mine.", Stacy says.
"Damn you both. You both won't get food for two days! And no going out or watching TV or playing phone games for a whole damn month. Got it?", Stacy's mom says very strictly.
"Sorry....", Stacy says.
"Sorry won't work this time. You'll get punished.", Stacy's mom says.
"Oh come on... Leave them. They are too young for such a big punishment.", Stacy's dad says defending them.
"No.", Stacy's mom says and goes away.
"Huhh...", Stacy sighs.
That night, when Stacy goes to her balcony to talk with her friends, Chimmy also follows her. Suddenly a bright light appears and a magic door appears. She can see Rikoko, Mekora and The Meso standing on the opposite side of the door. At first, she thinks that she is imagining things because she hasn't seen her friends for five years. But then when Rikoko says hi to her, and comes from that door to her and hugs her, she believes that whatever she is seeing, is true.
"Rikoko? How come you are here?", Stacy asks.
"Aww Stacy, you look so cute as a 5 year old kid. We never thought we would see you like this. Why don't we have 'growing up gradually' on Moon?", Rikoko asks.
"That's because this is Earth and where we live is Moon. Here on Earth, earthlings are also born as babies, but they grow up gradually. But on our Moon, we take birth, after twenty five years, we transform into teenagers, after another twenty five years, we transform into adults and after twenty five more years, we transform into old aged Moonians and after twenty five more years–", Mekora was cut off by Stacy.
"–we die. Come on Mekora, we know our life cycle. But life cycle here on Earth is totally different.", Stacy says.
"Enough of talking kids. Get back to the Moon. We have to destroy the Earth." The Meso says.
"So you came here to get me back before destroying Earth? Y'all are such nice... But, can I bring Chimmy along too? I can't live without him. I love him a lot.", Stacy says.
"Umm, sure. But I don't think this four-legged creature can survive without oxygen on the Moon.", Mekora says.
"I can do something for him.", The Meso says and chants some sentences. Suddenly a bright light appears inside Chimmy.
"Now he can survive on the Moon like any other Moonian.", The Meso says.
"Good, let's go Chimmy.", Stacy says and she and Chimmy walk into the door and enter the surface of the Moon. The door closes.
"Now kids, go under the surface and watch the war through the telecast cloud." The Meso says.
"Ok The Meso.", Rikoko, Mekora and Stacy say and they go under the surface with Chimmy. Stacy goes to her (real) mom and hugs her. Even Chimmy comes near her mother.
"Oh my! What is this little furry creature on four legs and a tail? Is it a Earthling dog?", Stacy's mom asks.
"You know about dogs?", Stacy asks in shock.
"Yes, we were taught about Earth creatures when we were in school. What's his name by the way?", Stacy's mom asks.
"His name is Chimmy.", Stacy replies.
"Guys, the war is gonna start! Let's watch it on the telecast cloud. I wanna see the Earthlings die. They've created so much trouble for us. When the Earthlings are destroyed, we would be able to live on the surface again. Yayy!", Rikoko says.
All of them come near the telecast cloud to watch the war.
They can see the Moonian army. They can also see the Martian army, the Phobosians army and the Deimosians army. There is also the Venusese army. They all have weapons in their hands. They all are ready to fight the Earthlings. They all fly and charge straight at the Earth.

Here on Earth.
The Astrological departments of all the countries get the information that some, not some, but many creatures from the outer space are coming towards Earth. All the Earthlings are alerted of this.
Soon, a big, very big, very very huge war starts. The outer space creatures start destroying everything on Earth. The Earthlings fight back. The war lasted for about more than a century.
Everything on Earth was destroyed. All the Earthlings and the creatures from outer space were dead. Including, The Meso. There was nothing left on Earth. The Earth looked like it was just a piece of rock with a little bit of water. When the 57th year of the war was going on, the creatures from outer space were running out of creatures to fight. So, the normal Moonians, the normal Martians, the normal Phobosians and the Deimosians and the normal Venusese were called to fight. Even Stacy, Rikoko, Mekora, their parents were called to fight. Chimmy stayed back as he was a dog. When everyone died, Chimmy came to the surface. From there he could see the amount of destruction. This basically meant that there was no other living creature in the galaxy except him. Chimmy roamed around and drank some sunlight as he was thirsty. There, he saw The Meso's magic stick. It had a diamond on top of it. Chimmy thought of eating the diamond as it looked tasty. He licked the diamond and the diamond came off from the stick and flew in the sky. It shone brightly and zoomed towards Earth. Chimmy got scared and thought of staying under the surface only. He went inside.
The diamond from The Meso's stick went and fell on the Earth, where now, was nothing. The diamond broke into two pieces. From those pieces were born, the first people on this new Earth. And now, we call those first people on Earth as, Adam and Eve... .

Conclusion : According to us, Adam and Eve were the first people. But no, there was life on Earth before that. And that human life was flourishing until the invasion of the creatures of outer space. And under the surface of the Moon, there still lives Chimmy. If you don't believe me, go and check for yourself :)

A/N : Please don't kill me for this stupid story. Ik this story doesn't make any sense. But what if someone did a research and found a skeleton of a dog under the surface of the Moon.......

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