Chapter 3

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"Bow bow, chirp chirp, meow meow, chi chi chi, quack quack, bubble bubble, rumble rumble...." and many more voices could be heard at the pet shop. A grand shop with the label 'Pawsome Pets' and an air conditioned mall like area inside with many compartments for each animal of each breed. Stacy's mom and dad, with Stacy, went inside the shop.
"Good evening sir and ma'am, which animal do you wanna make as your cute furry companion?", asked a girl who was in her twenties and worked here.
"We would like to buy a dog.", Stacy's mom replies.
"Sure ma'am, please follow me.", the worker says and goes towards the dogs compartment.
There are dogs of all breeds. Stacy, as she is in love with fluffy dogs, points towards a pomrenian pup. Her parents buy her that dog. They bring it home and name it 'Chimmy'.

As Stacy and Chimmy grow up together, their bond of friendship becomes very strong.
Soon, Stacy turns one. Her parents give away a grand party. Many friends and relatives are invited in the party.
A two layered chocolate cake with 'Happy Birthday Aurora' tag on it.
And especially some gold and silver flakes on the cake as Stacy loves metals.

Stacy now eats everything that the Earthlings eat. But she hates fast food as they contain very less metals. Things rich in metals are her favourite. She found out that oxygen is also a metal and isn't harmful for Moonians. Then why does every Moonian hate oxygen and say that oxygen's horrible?....

After the party, her parents give her a very special gift. A silver necklace with a Cresent Moon shaped pendent. The Moon pendent was silver with five diamonds on it. The middle one was a purple amethyst, the two surrounding the purple amethyst were black diamonds. And the last two were blue and green gems.
"Wait... This pendent... I've seen it somewhere. But where? Ah! This is the same necklace which The Meso gave me to communicate to Rikoko and Mekora... Omo, I'm missing them so much...", Stacy thinks and smiles internally. Soon, her parents and she are back home from the party hall. Her parents put her to sleep and then go to sleep themselves.
But Stacy isn't asleep. She's awake. She goes towards the balcony from where the moon can be seen clearly. Unfortunately, the balcony door is locked. She goes towards another room which has a window facing the moon. She looked at the mesmerizing silver cresent moon in the sky. "Wow, such a beauty. How can Earthlings even think of capturing and destroying such a beautiful Moon? Other planets also have moons, but their moon are never invaded. They why only our Moon is invaded by the Earthlings? These Earthlings are really stupid. Neither they live in peace, not do they let us Moonians live in peace.", Stacy thinks becoming angry.
"Anyways, let me just talk to my friends. But how do I use this?", Stacy thinks as she tries to press the diamonds and gems on it. Nothing happens. Suddenly, the moon pendent slips from her baby hands and faces the moon. A shiny light appears and it feels like the light connects the pendent and the moon. Suddenly, a voice says, "Umm... Hey? Stacy?"
"Ah! Likoko (Rikoko)?", Stacy replies in her baby voice as she can't speak clearly.
"Stacy!! Omo, it's such an amazing thing that we finally had a talk. Btw, Mekora's even here. Say 'Hi' to him.", Rikoko says.
"Mekola (Mekora)? Hi, I was mishing (missing) you bot (both) sho (so) much! Fliends (friends), I wanna come back to da Moon. I mish (miss) my mom and dad.", Stacy says in her baby voice.
"Haha, Stacy, your voice sounds funny, it sounds like a baby. Oh wait, you are a baby currently. Btw, how your life on Earth?", Mekora asks.
"It'sh (it's) pletty (pretty) gud (good). I have two loving palents (parents) and a fully (furry) little clea-chul (creature) that woks (walks) on foul (four) legsh (legs). I even get to eat tings (things) with metals mikshed (mixed) in it. I guesh (guess), I can stay hele (here) fall (for) fifteen yeals (years).", Stacy says trying to spell the words as correctly as she could.
"That's good. Even your mom misses you. But don't worry, we'll take care of it. You just stay safe and happy. And yeah, keep calling us. Okay?", Rikoko says.
"Fol (for) shule (sure).", Stacy says.
Then suddenly, the light which was connecting the Moon and the pendent, goes away and her father enters the room.
"Aurora, why are you here? You should not go around roaming in the house at freaking two a.m. in the morn'. Let's go to bed.", her dad says as he picks up Stacy in his arms and puts her in her bed.
Stacy sleeps, being satisfied after talking to her friends.
Next night, after everyone sleeps, she goes towards that same window and looks towards the moon. This time, the moon is only a thin cresent moon. She faces the pendent towards the moon and the same bright light connects the moon and her pendent.
"Hey thele (there), Likoko (Rikoko)? Mekola (Mekora)? Anyone up on the moon?", Stacy says in her baby voice.
"Stacy? Stacy it's a big problem! The Meso has restricted us from going on the surface. The Moonians who are living under the surface are very strictly restricted. The Meso said that the UFO which belongs to the Earthlings and which was rotating around our Moon and keeping a check has now landed on our Moon. The Meso says that if anyone went on the surface, the Earthlings would see us and very soon attack us.", Rikoko says in a tensed way.
"Oh no! That's a big ploblem (problem). Don't go on the sulface (surface).", Stacy says.
Suddenly the connecting light disappears and Stacy's dad again enters the room.
"Aurora? You are again here? What are you looking at in the middle of the night?", Stacy's dad says.
"Moon", Stacy says pointing towards the moon.
"Oh! You love the Moon? You can become an astronaut when you grow up. Now, let's go and sleep.
Her dad picks her up and says, "By the way, you know what? Our satellite has landed on the Moon. And the scientists are searching for life on moon. How incredible would it be if we found someone living on the moon."
"Oh my god! So whatever Rikoko said was true? The Earthlings have sent an UFO on our moon and are looking for us. I hope they never find out about us Moonians.", Stacy thinks being tensed.
Next night, Stacy again went near that window to talk with her friends and see if they are okay or not. But for her bad luck, there wasn't any Moon in the sky.
"The Earthlings have destroyed our Moo?!? Oh no! My parents and friends... Where are they?", Stacy thinks and starts crying.
Hearing her cry, her parents wake up and come running towards the room.
"Aurora? What are you doing here and why are you crying?", Her mother says and picks her up in her arms.
"Moon *sob* *sob* da moon.", Stacy says amidst crying.
"The Moon? Oh, tonight is the No Moon night. You can't see the moon tonight but you'll surely see it tomorrow night.", Her father says.
"No Moon *sob*?" Stacy says.
"Yes my baby, tonight is Amavasya. Which means, today the moon isn't visible. But you can see it tomorrow. Let's go to sleep now.", her mother says and puts her to bed.

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