Chapter 2

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Now, here on Earth.

"Congratulations sir and ma'am, its a girl", the nurse bringing a small babygirl in her hands.
"Omo, just look at her, she's so cute!", Her parents exclaimed.
After some paperwork, they brought their little baby home.
Stacy, who was now the baby girl currently kept in the cradle in a big house, was wondering, "Wow, so this is Earth, and... I'm a baby. And I'll be living here till I'm 15. Well, let's explore this place." Stacy tries to get up, but because she's a baby, she couldn't. She tries to call someone but all she could say is a little wail.
"Ahhhh, so now I can't even walk or talk. I'm bored of just lying here in this cradle. I'm hungry, but how should I tell them? Maybe I should just cry?", Stacy thinks and starts crying loudly. Her mom, who was resting near her, comes to her, and makes her stop crying by giving her some milk.
"Uhh, what's this? I want something like silver or sunlight to eat. What's this white liquid substance? How do babies here on Earth even survive?", She thinks and starts crying more.
Her dad comes in the room and says, "Aww, my baby, why are you crying? You wanna play?", and gives her a toy, which jingles.
Jingle, Jingle, Stacy shakes it.
"Ok, so... What's this now? And why does it Jingle? I never saw a thing like this on Moon. Maybe the Earthlings eat this?", she thinks and tries to put the toy in her mouth. Her mom quickly smacked it away from her and says to her dad, "What are you doing? You know that babies put everything in their mouth, right? Maybe she just wants to sleep that's why she's crying."
Her mom picks her up and starts singing a song while carefully swinging her to sleep.
"Now what's this? A swing made of hands? That too with a free song? And why does this song make me sleepy? Hhmm...", and she dozes off.
When she wakes up, it's already noon. Sunlight is making its way through the window to her cradle. Stacy drinks up sunlight as she was hungry since morning.
"Waah, now I feel full. Atleast they kept me near the window so that I dont starve.", Stacy thinks. Her mom was sleeping near her.
"My mom looks like the earthling, about which our teacher told us.", Stacy thinks.
She randomly picks up a teddy which was in the cradle and looks at it.
"What's this? It's so soft and fluffly like the gold candy we ate on the Moon. Can I eat this?", Stacy thinks and put it in her mouth.
Her mother quickly snatches it away from her and puts it beside her. She woke up right in time...
"My baby, don't eat this... This is meant for playing..." Her mom says and puts her back to sleep.
Days and weeks pass by and Stacy starts liking the white liquid called milk. Stacy thinks that the milk contains something which tastes like metals.
Stacy and the other Moonians used to eat metals on the Moon and silver was their favourite. Atleast, this milk contains some metals like calcium and iron.
Six months pass by and Stacy learns how to crawl. Now that her knees and hands support her to crawl, she loves crawling all around the house. She often sneaks out in the balcony, which is a little garden, to drink some sunlight. Although she's a human baby now, she still loves drinking sunlight. But because her teeth are too weak to chew on metals, she just licks some screws or whatever she finds which is made of metal.
Talking about human food, she doesn't exactly like the baby food, but still she eats it as it also contains metals.
Now, here at home, both of her parents are working people. Her dad goes to the office and her mother is the head chef of a big bakery in the city. This means, she often stays in the bakery which has a lovely smell of fresh bread being baked and delicious cakes being iced. The other chefs sometimes keep gold and silver flakes to ice the cakes. And Stacy, being a Moonian, loves those metal flakes. When no one is looking, she puts some of the gold and silver flakes in her mouth and eats them with ease as they are easy to chew.
"Aurora... How many times have I told you not to eat those flakes? Those are for icing the cakes, my baby...", Stacy's mom says as she puts away the flakes box. She puts Stacy in a corner with Pompom. Pompom is a pomrenian dog owned by a chef working there.
Pompom comes closer and licks her.
"Eww... Did this furry creature just lick me? But it's cute...", Stacy thought and started playing with Pompom.
After sometime, it was time to close the bakery. Stacy's mom comes near her and says, "My baby Aurora, it's time to go home... Say bye to Pompom."
"No, no... Waaaaaahaaa....", Stacy cries out.
"Oh! You don't wanna go home? You still wanna play with Pompom? Ok, we'll buy you a new dog like Pompom. Fine?", her mom says as she picks her up in her lap.
"What did she just say? I only understood 'Pompom', and I wanna stay here only... I want this cute, furry creature which crawls like me...", Stacy thinks as her mother puts her in the car. Her dad always pickes them up from the bakery.
"I think we should buy a dog or rather, a pup. Aurora loves dogs. Today, she didn't wanted to leave Pompom. She wanted to play more with Pompom.", her mom tells her dad.
"Fine then, we can buy a pup from the pet shop.", her dad says as he drove to the pet shop.

A/N - Stacy's parents on Earth named her Aurora.

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