Crossover With BSD

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No One's Pov
Nico was sleeping in the Hades cabin with Will next to him. When suddenly he teleported to ADA clinic beds. With a note in his pocket and he is fully clothed with his regular clothes.

Akiko's Pov
It was early morning and I walked into the ADA. I waved to my coworkers before going to the clinic. I open the door to find a teen in all-black clothes sleeping in one of the beds. I quietly walked out and walked to the office area. "Um, guys a random teenager is sleeping in one of the beds in the clinic," I said. A lot of us walked into the clinic watching the boy from a distance.

Nico's Pov
I woke up looking to my side not seeing Will and I started to slightly freak out. I was fully dressed in regular clothes. Then I sat up seeing a couple of people looking at me. They looked like morals but they had more powerful auras. I checked my pockets. I found a note.

The begin of the note.

Dear Niccolo Di Angelo,

I sent you to a different universe for funzies and I was bored so have fun. They mostly don't have gods except one really. You can tell them about your universe they probably won't remember the encounter with you.

Signed, Galaxus/Logan Morrow

The end of the note.

"Accidenti Galaxus certo che mi hai mandato in un universo diverso perché ti annoiavi!" I yelled annoyed. It translates from Italian to English as 'Damn it Galaxus of course you sent me to a different universe because you were bored!' "Sweetie we need you to calm down. Can you speak our language? Do you know where you are or how you got here? Are you injured?" A lady with a butterfly clip asked calmly. "Dannazione! E ' un altro Will che si preoccupa se sono ferito." I said annoyed. It translates from Italian from English as 'Damn it! It's another Will worrying about if I'm injured.' I sighed. "Yes I can understand you. I sometimes revert to one of my first native languages which is Italian at times." I said crossing my arms while I swing my legs to the side of the bed. "To answer your other questions no I am not injured, no I don't know the exact location I am at this point in time, and yes I know how I got here," I said in a bored tone. After the introduction, I was led to the couch in their office area. "So how did you get here?" Atsushi said. "Isn't it obvious he's from a different universe?" Ranpo I think said. The other ADA members minus Dazai looked confused. I did a slow clap with a smirk. "Well done you must be Ranpo the others told me about you. Your smart like Leo you also seem to not have a powerful aura like the rest you're different than the others," I said smirking as I was analyzing Ranpo from my spot on the couch. He just smirked at me with calculated eyes. "Yes I am Ranpo you must be Nico." Ranpo said. I sense something coming towards me so out of reflex I grabbed it and placed it on the table it was a pen. "You have great reflexes where did you learn to do that?" Dazai asked with a smirk. "It was instinct I was born with great reflexes," I said calmly still not trusting them. "Do you have an ability?" Kenji asked innocently. "Do I have a what?" I asked confused. Then I realized what he just said. "Dannazione! Certo, cazzo! Certo, che hanno poteri dannazione che cosa se si può percepire bugie sarò fottuto. Merda! Will mi uccidera 'se non vivro' questo calvario!" I rant translate Italian to English as 'Damn it! Of fucking course! Of course, they have powers damn it what if one can sense lies I'll be fuck over. Shit! Sunshine will kill me if I don't live through this ordeal!' "So I'm guessing where you're from you don't have abilities," Kunkida said. I simply nodded. "So tell me about your universe," I said. After an explanation. "interesting." I said softly. "So tell us about your universe," Dazai asked. My eyes widened even so slightly. I sighed. "Do you know about the Greek Gods?" I asked. After a long explanation. "Your Dad is Hades!?" Junichiro yelled shocked. I chuckled darkly. "Yeah, he's pretty great compared to some of the other Gods. Speaking of which where is your God in this universe?" I said/asked. "We don't have a-" Kunkida was cut off by Dazai. "They have a human as a vessel. I will call him." Dazai said taking out his phone and walking away as he talked on the phone. After a while a Ginger showed up. "Why did you call me here Osamu?" The Ginger asked Dazai. I walked over to him to analyze him. "Who is the kid?" The Ginger asked. "I am chronically 86 years old," I said in a bored tone. The Ginger looked towards Dazai confused. After an explanation and introduction. "So I heard you are a vessel to a God I want to know which God," I said calmly. "Arahabaki the Japanese God of Calamity," Chuuya said. "Oh, that bastard they cheated me out of 100,000 drachma during our poker game in the underworld in my universe I'm still pissed at them for it. Most Gods are bitches." I said annoyed. "I agree Arahabki can be such a bitch most of the time," Chuuya said nodding in agreement. "I mean there are some good gods like Hestia she's great. She has never fucked up shit like some other gods I know." I said rolling my eyes as I looked towards the sky. "And there is my dad Hades. Yes, he has messed up a few things but it's mostly Zeus's fault. There is also my stepmother Persephone. She hated me at first but she is getting better." I said. "Do your powers have limits? Because the final form of my power called 'Corruption' is controlled by Arahabki. I have no free will and I will die if I don't have Osamu to stop me. Because using Corruption destroys me from the inside." Chuuya said/asked. "Well when I use shadow-travel too much I turn transparent and I have the possibility of dying by turning into a shadow. I also pass out if I use too much of my powers." I said. "But how do you stay alive and not turn into a shadow?" Chuuya asked. I lightly blushed. "Well, my doctor William Solace is head of the Apollo cabin and head doctor of the infirmary at the camp. He is also my significant annoyance so he makes sure I won't turn into a shadow." I said. Chuuya nodded. "Isn't it weird that all gods and demigods are related to each other in some way?" Chuuya asked. "Well, it is kind of weird when you look at it like that. Zeus is married to his sister. My dad is married to his niece. I'm dating my cousin. But technical gods don't have DNA. As a demigod I'm half human and half god. I have half human DNA and no god DNA. I have only one-half of my DNA. So by genetic stand point it fine as long as demigod doesn't date their siblings." I explained. Chuuya nodded. "Dazai can I test something?" I asked. "Sure what is it?" Dazai asked. "Use your ability on me." I said. Dazai looked at me curiously and then touched my shoulder. I tried to use my powers and I created a skeleton bunny. I slightly smiled. "It worked." I softly said as Dazai let go of my shoulder. "Maybe it worked because you're from a different universe plus you're a child of a God and not a vessel." Dazai said. "It makes sense usually my godly heritage protects me from many things." I said. "Do you know why it's so difficult for me to die?" Dazai asked. "It's probably because Thanatos and Charon made some kind of stupid bet." I said. A note appeared in front of me telling me it's time to leave. We all said goodbyes then was teleported back it the Hades cabin in bed with Will just like before.

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