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Nico - 15
Percy - 18
Jason - 18
Will - 16

Jason and Percy are married. Percy's wedding ring is a plain gold ring with a electric blue gemstone. Jason's wedding ring is a plain silver ring with a sea green gemstone.

Chrion has sent Nico and Jason to school specifically Percy's school, at Goode high school.

Percy was never expelled from Goode. The school is monster proof.

Jason, Nico, and Percy are all seniors.

OC: James Arthur - Has medium brown hair and green eyes.


Nico's Pov
Percy, Jason, and I were called to The Big House. We all are sitting in three chairs in front of Chrion's office. Chrion is in his wheelchair form. "Are we in trouble?" Jason asked. "No you're not." Chrion. "So why are we here?" Percy asked. "It has come to my attention that Jason and Nico have little to no school education. So starting now you two will be going to high school." Chrion said. "School?!?!" Jason and I yelled at the same time. "Yes school since Jason has never been to school and Nico did homeschooling in the 1930s throughout the 1940s plus a week of military school. You two both need a proper school education." Chrion said. Jason and I sighed. "How does this involve me?" Percy asked. "They will be going to Goode high School with you. Jason as a senior and Nico is also a senior. You three will all have the same classes." Chrion said. "Okay." Percy said. "School starts on Monday." Chrion said. "Okay." Jason said.

Jason's Pov
After we left The Big House we walked towards the sparring area. Nico had his arms crossed. Grass around him started dying. "Nico you need to calm down." I said gently. Nico turned towards me. I pointed at the ground. He looked down at the ground then looked  back up at me. "Sorry I'm just mad I don't want to go to school." Nico said the grass stopped dying. "I know I don't want to go either but we have too." I said. "It's not going to be that bad, guys we've been through war before. Now let's go spar." Percy said reassuringly.

(Nico and Jason got registered on Sunday and was shown around.)


Percy's Pov
Nico had to go to a quick Underworld meeting before school. So it's just Jason and I walking into the school. We got to the school early.

A few hours later.

Nico's Pov
The Underworld meeting just end so I was late to school. I didn't have time to change my clothes so I just grabbed my bag and shadowtraveled to the school. (Nico is wearing a suit. His suit is a black Italian slim-fit, wine red tie, black sleeve garters, silver skull cufflinks, and black dress shoes. He still has his skull ring. His hair is neatly combed into a half down half in a bun look.) I walked towards my classroom door. I of course dramatically opened the door. Everyone was staring at me. I spotted Jason and Percy in their seats. I turned towards my teacher she looked stunned. "My apologies for being late to class I had a business meeting to go to before school and it was running a bit late. I am the the new transfer student Niccolo Di Angelo." I said politely letting my Italian accent show through. "Nice to meet you can you please sit by Perseus and Jason." She said. I nodded and went to my seat. All throughout the day people have been staring at me. It's lunch time, I am waiting while standing in an abandoned hallway for Percy and Jason so we can talk about the school so far without mortal interference since they had to stay behind in class. I was pushed against the walk by a taller boy with medium brown hair and green eye. He had his hands on each side of my head. I rolled my eyes and shot a death glare at him. "What are you doing alone Pretty Boy?~" He asked. "I'm waiting for my friends." I said sternly with my Italian accent showing. "Since you're new you don't know the rules. If I want someone to be my, I get them and I want you.~" He said as he came closer and forceable kissed me. I shoved him off of me. He looked at me angry.  "No one does that to me and get away with it." He said angry coming towards me. I pulled out my stygian dagger and stabbed him in the heart. (If you think Nico would go to school without being armed you're crazy.) "No one, forceable kisses The Ghost King and gets away alive." I said darkly with a thick Italian accent. I quickly pulled out the dagger from his dead body. Licking the blood clean off the dagger. He was dead as soon as the stygian iron touched him. I heard footsteps so I turned around to see Jason and Percy. "What the fuck happened Niccolo?!" Both Percy and Jason whisper-yelled at the same time getting closer to me. "He had a unfortunate accident." I said darkly my Italian accent was thick. "Care to explain why?" Percy asked. "He pinned me to the wall and forceable kissed me. He deserved it." I said darkly my Italian accent was thick. Jason sighed. "let's hide the body out back in the dumpster. Nico shadow-travel some trash bags. So we can stuff his body into them." Jason said. I put my dagger up. Percy and I nodded.

Next day

No One's Pov
The three of them disposed of the body. James Arthur was filed as missing. Chrion found out what they did Jason and Nico was not allowed to go to school again.

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