Boy Troubles? - Rocky DeSantos Sister

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"Oh just shut up, will you? I'm sick of listening to you go on and on!" Rocky yelled from the room next door.

"I'm on the phone you dimwit!" Sammy yelled back.

He started to yell something back at her before her mom interrupted the two.

"Rocky! Adam's here! And would you two quit yelling at each other!" She heard some banging in his room before Rocky rushed down the stairs. She rushed to peek her head out and yell one last time.

"Red is totally not your color!" Rocky scoffed and slammed the door behind him and Adam. She rolled her eyes and sat back on her bed, finally getting back to her phone call.

Rocky's mother left when he was young, and Sammy's dad died only a year after she was born. It took both remaining parents until their respective kids were sixteen to begin dating again. Neither child enjoyed their parents dating, and both hated when their parents got with each other. They hated it even more when their parents got engaged.

The only thing they hated more then the engagement was each other.

She picked up the phone once again and mumbled something about her soon to be step brother.

"You and Rocky fighting again?"

"He's insufferable, Dylan! Always making fun of me and complaining about every single thing I do. I can't stand him."

"Well, in only two weeks you won't have to worry about him for an entire week."

"Oh god, I can't tell you how excited I am to come see you! I miss you so much."

"Yeah, I miss you too."

"Are you alright? You seen off tonight."

"I'm fine, Sammy. Just had a long day. I think I'm gonna try and get some sleep." Sammy frowned.

"Okay, I hope you have a good night, sweetheart. I love you."

"Love you too." Sammy frowned as she heard the call drop.

"Problems with lover boy?"

"What are you doing here! Get out of my room, Rocky!" He rolled his eyes as she tried to push him out the door.

"Would love to, but your mommy dearest won't let me go out to dinner unless you come with." She scoffed.

"Yeah right."

"Well believe it, and I've had this dinner planned for weeks so get your behind off the bed and let's get going."

"Absolutely not. Why should I do anything nice for you?"

"Oh quit being a brat and just come with! Your mom is going to do the same thing with you next time you go out and I'd hate to tell you I won't go. Maybe your mom will even prevent you from seeing your friend back where you came from." She rolled her eyes once again.

"You'd love that. And you probably wouldn't go even if I went tonight. And she agreed to that months ago, she wouldn't."

"You're probably right, but still, come with. Or maybe I'll just tell your mom about your little boyfriend." Her eyes narrowed.

"You wouldn't dare."

"Try me."

Before she could say anything, Adam spoke up. This was the first time the boy had spoken to her.

"I'm not sure what the issue between you two is, but I would also really appreciate it if you could come with us to dinner. We have some stuff we have to go over with our friends about an upcoming project and it's worth a serious part of our grade. I understand you guys don't get along, but if you could do it for the other five of us?" She sighed.

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