:::1::: A Job Is A Job

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Every morning I look at family with tears in my eyes. We wake up everyday leaving in poverty. Eversince Mama passed the situation has never changed. My dad? Well, he left this family when Ma gave birth to Kganya.

Kganya was born with albinism. That bastard of a father ran off and said Kganya was a curse to the family. Can you even believe hore that man is a Priest? Wow, some people don't deserve anything good.

That man doesn't even care about us. All he cares about are those children of his wife. Children from four different fathers. Mamoruti was busy in her days.

Today is Kganya's birthday. She is turning 16. Unfortunately, Nakedi and I don't make enough money to buy her a cake. I always tell Nakedi that God will provide but she said I'm crazy to think that God cares about us.

Kganya sat down and joined us for breakfast even though we were having soft porridge for breakfast.

Me: (sings the birthday song)

Kganya: Ka leboga Sesi. (Thank you sister)

Nakedi: Happy birthday Kganya.

Kganya: Thank you guys. Sesi Lerato, I know that you don't have money...but my shoes need to be fixed and my school bag is torn.

Me: Keep using the plastic Kganya, I don't have money to buy you a new bag.

Kganya: But sesi Lerato bana ba skolo ba tshegisha ka nna. Bare kedirele kgore le skana le tjhelete ya kgong rekele bag. Bare ke tlile le baloi. (The children from school are making jokes about me. They are saying that it's my fault that you don't have money to buy me a new bag. They say that I came with witches)

Nakedi: (Rips out a pieces of paper) Write all their names down. Including their surnames. Ketla bereka ka bona. (I'll deal with them)

Me: Woah, woah, woah, wait...nana, don't mind those children. They are just jealous that you do better than them at school. You know that you are a gift from God. Let them be, God will deal with them at his own time. Come let's pray before you go to school.

We hold hands and pray.

Me: Dear Lord, we bow our heads before you to thank you for your protection. Thank you for the food we have on the table. It's not with our minds that we have what we have but it's with your Mercy Oh Lord that we have all that we need. We pray that you be with us and protect us from any kind of evil forces that will want to stand against us..

Nakedi: Yoh Amen hle.

Me: We ask all this in your name. Amen.

Nakedi: Amen. Bye. (Leaves)

Kganya: (Eats her porridge) Thank you sesi.

Me: It's my pleasure. Finish up, you don't want to be late.


Lerato: That must be Lesedi. Get your bag and leave.

Kganya: (takes her plastic of books and hugs Lerato) Bye.

Me: Bye-Bye

As Kganya leaves I start clearing up the table. I put the left over porridge in the microwave. This is going to be our dinner later. I go get dressed for business.

As I place make up on my face I pray that God forgives me for allowing poverty to turn me into Jezebel. I get dressed in a short dress that reveals almost everything. I grab my phone and off I went to work.

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