:::8::: Gone

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We were now seated in the kitchen. Nakedi and Kganya were worried about Lemohang's whereabouts. I just didn't care. I'm in fact glad that he is gone and once again proved to us that he never cared about any of us.

Kganya: How could abhuti Lemohang do this to us?

Nakedi: He didn't leave, maybe he is at a friend's house.

Me: (scoff) As if he has any friends besides Spikiri. And wena Kganya, you're supposed to be in school.

Kganya: I told you that our grace period has started. Stop nagging me. You should be helping us figure out where Lemohang is.

Me: Do I look like I care? He did what he is best known for. Running away when things get heated. He's a coward.

Nakedi slaps me right in my face.

Nakedi: That's your brother you're speaking of. Have you lost your mind?

Me: Mxm.


Me: Come in!

MaRadebe walks in the house looking very angry.

MaRadebe: Where is he?!

Me: Where is who?

MaRadebe: Where is your thief brother?! Where is he?!

Nakedi: With all due respect Ma'am, you are not going to come here screaming and shouting. This is not your house.

MaRadebe: Nakedi, where is he?!

Me: Boy ran away. Why are you looking for him? Did he steal from you?

MaRadebe: So he ran away with my son?

Kganya: Spikiri?

MaRadebe: He's name is Ndumiso, stop calling him that. Tell your brother that he should stop  coming to my house looking for my innocent son. He should stop coming to my house, poisoning my son.

Me: What do you mean?

MaRadebe: Your brother is a thief, he busy associating himself with criminals. Tell him that I said, should I find him in my yard with my son again...hell will break loose. (Leaves)

I was really not shocked at what I heard.

Me: Didn't I tell you? Your brother will never change. (Nigerian accent)  He will never change o, my people, your brother never change. Wonders shall never end. (Normal accent) Lemohang...(walks to the bedroom)

Kganya: Mxm.

Nakedi: I guess he ran away.


I was in the warehouse waiting for Lemohang to come fetch me. Sister boss's car parked outside and Lemohang stepped out of the car.

He got in and greeted me.

Me: Why ovaya ka kara ya sister boss? {Why do you have sister boss's car?}

Lemohang: Ong gaele yona. Are ke ya rona nou. {She gave it to me. She said it's ours now}

Me: Yoh, yah neh. Are vaye san. {Yeah man, Let's go man.}

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