Yeonjun ft. BTS Taehyung

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Yeonjun loved being the oldest. Sure, that meant that he was most responsible, next to Soobin of course, and he had to watch what he did. He wasn't allowed to mess up but even if he did, nothing could be done about it. No one would do anything about it because he was the oldest.

And then he met BTS. Taehyung took Yeonjun under his wing almost immediately, caring for the kid and treating him like a little brother. For the first time in what felt like forever, Yeonjun was a kid. 

"Our sunbaenims are here!" Beomgyu came bouncing into the room, the brightest smile on his face. Yeonjun did not share his enthusiasm. He had not slept and it was putting him in a bad mood. He did not want to have to deal with being respectful and mindful of what he said in front of their seniors. 

"Hello sunbaenims!" The younger Bighit group stood up, greeting their seniors. Yeonjun did the same even though he didn't feel like it. 

"No need for that. Hyung is just fine" Namjoon waved his hand at them. Soobin nodded, greeting the older leader again.

"Are you all doing okay? We saw your performance" Jin joined the conversation.

"Yes hyung. We were just about to come see you and congratulate you as well" Soobin answered. Namjoon fawned over him a little more and the other BTS members greeted their juniors. Taehyung made a beeline for Yeonjun, much to the younger's annoyance. 

"Junnie, talk to me. What's the matter?" Taehyung noticed that his dongsaeng wasn't his usual self. 

"Nothing is the matter" Yeonjun avoided looking at his hyung. Just looking at his seniors was making him mad and he did not want to get in trouble. 

"Well something is the matter because there is no way my sweet dongsaeng forgot to be respectful" Taehyung crossed his arms. He didn't know what was up with Yeonjun but he didn't like it. 

"Leave me alone please, hyung" Yeonjun begged. He didn't even care how rude that sounded, he just wanted to be left alone and get through these performances and all the awards as quickly as possible. 

"Whatever" Taehyung was not going to deal with this, even though he should. Yeonjun felt a little hurt that he was being so easily brushed aside, even though he told himself this was what he wanted. 

"We should go" Yoongi looked at his watch, it was almost time for the awards. BTS quickly left and then it was quiet again. The younger group rushed to get themselves together and join the other groups outside.

Yeonjun was in no better mood than he had been previously and it was starting to show.

"Hyung, watch yourself please. We are in public" Soobin leaned over to the older idol, keeping his voice low so no one else could hear them. Yeonjun glared at him, saying nothing. Soobin just sighed and went back to pretending that everything was fine.

Taehyung was keeping a close eye on his dongsaeng, to the point that he wasn't even paying attention to what was going on around him.

"Taehyung, pay attention" Namjoon nudged the younger. 

"Sorry" Taehyung turned back to the show, occasionally glancing at Yeonjun every few minutes. One time, they met eyes and the younger glared, quickly looking away. 

"How much longer on this?" Taehyung leaned towards Jimin. Jin caught them and gave Taehyung a warning look. 

"An hour maybe. I'm not sure" Jimin whispered, ignoring the warning from Jin. Namjoon and Yoongi were starting to catch onto the maknaes and they weren't happy. 

"Be quiet, both of you" Namjoon scolded. Taehyung and Jimin nodded, going back to being the picture of perfection. Taehyung glanced back at TXT one more time but Yeonjun was ignoring him. The older also didn't fail to notice the way Yeonjun was slowly antagonizing his members through little actions like poking them or nudging them. He was getting bored and that wasn't going to end well. 

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