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Taehyun knew he was going to regret this. He had messed up bad. In his defense though, who gives a pop quiz on the first day of school? The one thing he regretted the most was getting Kai involved. He had been stupid enough to think that was a good idea and had taken advantage of the fact that Kai would never rat on his hyungs no matter what it was they did. 

Now, it had gone too far. His teacher was threatening to call Yeonjun or Soobin and explain everything herself if Taehyun didn't bring in a note with one of their signatures on it. He was screwed. Either he waited for the teacher to say something and he would get in trouble or he told on himself and still got in trouble, bringing Kai into it as well.

So he went for the third best option: tell Beomgyu.

"Gyu-hyung" Taehyun knocked softly on his youngest hyung's door, entering only when he was given permission to. 

"Can I talk to you?" Taehyun rubbed his hands together nervously. Beomgyu had been busy on his computer but he stopped, turning to the kid. 

"What'd you do?" He wondered, curious as to what kind of trouble his well behaved dongsaeng could've gotten into.

"What makes you think I did anything! Maybe I just wanted to talk to you" Taehyun was a little embarrassed that it was so clear he had done something. If Beomgyu could pick up on it, could Yeonjun and Soobin too? Did they know already and were just waiting for him to come forward?

"Come here" Beomgyu held a hand out for the younger kid. Taehyun hesitantly stepped forward, letting Beomgyu pull him to sit down on top of the older's knee. Taehyun had no choice but to put his arms around his hyung to keep from slipping off.

"Now, what'd you do?" Beomgyu repeated, more softly then before.

"Promise not to be mad?" Taehyun pouted. He knew the kind of reaction his confession would get.

"I can't promise that" Beomgyu responded, his patience dwindling by the second. He was a little fearful as to what kind of trouble Taehyun got into that made even the second maknae so nervous.

"Okay, promise not to spank me?" Taehyun corrected himself. Beomgyu smacked the kid's thigh, having enough of the useless comments.

"IcheatedonaquizthefirstdayofschoolandtheteacheristhreateningtocallhyungsbecauseIhaven'tbroughtinanotewiththeirsignaturesandIaccidentallygotKaiinvolvedpleasedon'tbemadI'msorry!" Taehyun closed his eyes as he talked, not wanting to see the look on his hyungs' face. He had talked too fast for Beomgyu to understand so the older calmly asked Taehyun to repeat himself.

"I cheated on a quiz the first day of school and the teacher is threatening to call hyungs because I haven't brought in a note with their signatures and I accidentally got Kai involved. Please don't be mad, I'm sorry" Taehyun repeated word for word. Beomgyu sighed, thinking over his dongsaengs words. He wrapped an arm around Taehyun's waist, keeping the younger from getting away.

"You have to tell hyungs" Beomgyu decided. He didn't see any other alternative. And as much as he loves Taehyun, he was not about to risk his own skin for the kid.

"I can't! You know what their going to do" Taehyun whined.

"Well would you rather it be me or them? Cause that's where your at right now, kid" Beomgyu pointed out. Taehyun knew that. He didn't want Beomgyu to spank him but he also didn't want his oldest hyungs to do it either. Only one would save Kai though.

"You" He decided after a while. Beomgyu was surprised to say the least, he had not expected that to be the younger kid's choice.

"Are you sure? I'm not going to go easy on you" Beomgyu informed his younger brother. Taehyun nodded.

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