Maknae line

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The group's first showcase in the States was filled with excitement and nerves. Soobin especially got more stressed as the tour continued, especially after Beomgyu's injury and Yeonjun going to the ER. But that wasn't the beginning of his stress. Really, the stress started because of Taehyun and Huening Kai.

Soobin was extremely nervous about those two because they were underaged. In America, those two were only seventeen. They weren't even the legal age for anything, except maybe driving. 

"I don't get why we can't walk around on our own" Huening Kai complained a little, grabbing his phone and wallet. Taehyun pocketed his own things. The whole group was still at the hotel but they were getting ready to leave and explore a little bit before their first show the next day.

"Cause we're underaged" Taehyun answered, logically. 

"Well so is Beomgyu-hyung!" Kai argued. Taehyun shook his head. 

"Not here he isn't. He's eighteen" He answered, looking around the room for his wallet which Huening Kai was hiding. 

"So are we" The maknae argued again. Taehyun rolled his eyes. 

"Kai, we're seventeen here. America is different than Korea. That's just the way it is" Taehyun explained, getting a little tired of the complaining. And he still could not find his wallet. 

"I still think it's ridiculous. We're not little kids" Huening Kai made a good point, finally handing Taehyun his wallet. Taehyun looked at him, not at all amused by the little trick. 

"Behave, Huening Kai. Hyungs are stressed enough as it is without one of us making it worse" Taehyun warned just before they left the hotel room to join the others. Huening Kai pouted a little at being told off by his same aged friend and continued to sulk the whole way down to the main lobby. Taehyun went straight to Soobin once they found the group, already annoyed by their maknae's behavior. 

"What's his problem?" Soobin questioned, taking Taehyun by the arm and glancing back at Kai.

"He's just annoyed that he can't walk around alone without one of you with us" Taehyun answered sharply. Truthfully, he could understand Kai's dislike for the situation. It wasn't like they were preschoolers anymore; they were grown and more than responsible enough to walk around alone. But unlike Huening Kai, Taehyun was not willing to ruin their tour and semi-vacation to America. This was only their second time there, their first as an actual k-pop group, and Taehyun knew that all five of them were looking forward to making good memories.

"Do you feel the same?" Soobin wondered. 

"A little. But I understand why, we have to respect the rules even if we don't like them. I know your just trying to keep us safe and not allow us to get lost" Taehyun responded, cutting Soobin off before he could say anything. The leader smiled down at him.

"I'm glad you understand. I guess we'll just have to keep an eye on Huening Kai?" Soobin smiled, squeezing Taehyun's arm. The second maknae nodded, happy to have some alone time with his hyung. He never admitted it, but Taehyun sometimes did feel like he was cast to the side in favor of Huening Kai, or the other members. They all had something going for them: Yeonjun was the oldest, Soobin the leader, Huening Kai the cute maknae. Beomgyu was caring and cheerful and overall, just a great person. Taehyun was just...there. Of course, he didn't say this. He was glad to be a part of their team, even if he was the fifth choice in the entire group. 

The maknaes stayed together, never far from their three hyungs. Beomgyu was cheerful as always. Each time that Yeonjun or Soobin had to remind the youngest two to stay close and keep up, or worse make them hold hands with a hyung, Beomgyu was right there, cheering them up and reminding the maknaes that it was okay and their hyungs weren't mad. It wasn't long before Taehyun got tired of it. Huening Kai was already in a bad mood and soon, Taehyun was too. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21 ⏰

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