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Izuku and Katsuki were in middle school, the two were inseparable. They had the same class, always hung out, went to and from school together, it was rare for them to be apart. Only today, Katsuki was home sick. Izuku wasn't helpless of course so it wasn't like he was miserable without Katsuki, just lonely.

He'd ignore people that tried to talk to him, their conversations didn't interest him. At the end of the school day, Izuku wandered the sidewalks, staring up at the sky as his legs took him wherever they pleased. When Katsuki was absent, Izuku would wander.

He didn't really do anything else, just wandered. He always thinks about Katsuki in those moments though. It's always, 'when will Kacchan be able to come back to school?' or ' I wonder what Kacchan's doing?' He never really cared about anything else. 'What's mom cooking for dinner?' Well, aside from that.

Izuku looked in front of himself when he reached a fence. Kacchan's house's fence. Huh, he did it again, he wandered to Katsuki's house subconsciously. Izuku shrugged, opening the gate and going to the front door, opening it with his key.

Going through the large house was normal for him, he always did it. He walked up the stairs and down a hall, stopping at the last door in the hall. He opened it quietly, peering inside. Sure enough, Katsuki was there, lying in bed with his back facing the door. Izuku smiled, going in and shutting the door, alerting the blonde.

He turned, locking eyes with the green-haired boy. "Deku? What's up?" He said with a small cough, sitting up. Izuku sat on the bed and hugged him, the blonde wasn't shocked, Izuku always did this when he was sick and couldn't go to school.

"I just missed you. I was wandering again and ended up here." He laughs, rubbing his eyes, feeling heavy. Kastuki smiled softly before kicking the green boy across the bed. "Oh right, you're sick... COME HERE!!!" Izuku cackled, tackling the blonde. Katsuki was much stronger than Izuku, he always had been, but that doesn't mean he'd push his affectionate friend away.

"Deku you'll get sick you fuckard." Katsuki cursed, playing with Izuku's green and black hair as they laid in the bed together. Izuku shrugged, not caring in the slightest. He just wanted to hug his friend in all honesty. 

Izuku likes that he wanders when Katsuki is gone, because either way he always ends up with Katsuki again. Every time.

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