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(In this image Dwayne is going to have a mate who is Michael's younger cousin. When Michael figures out what's going on he goes into protective cousin mode. But Dwayne has waited for his mate for too long and isn't going to give her up for anything)

Young Winona Ryder with blonde hair as Rachel Emerson

Young Winona Ryder with blonde hair as Rachel Emerson

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It was another night in Santa like any other. Michael Emerson was in his house when he heard a knock at the door. He grunted wondering who knocking at the door at this hour at night. His brother and mother were in their rooms sleeping. Michael went to the front door to open it as the knocking continued.

"I'm coming, i'm coming alright. Calm down."

Michael opened the door and to his surprise he saw a person who he never thought he would see again. He smiled with pure happiness.

"Rachel is that you?"

"Hi Michael how are you doing?"

Michael without hesitation wrapped his younger cousin in a tight embrace. He closed the door not caring that it made a very loud slamming noise.

"Rachel what are you doing here."

"I came to surprise you guys. I didn't think anyone would be asleep."

Michael hugged Rachel again.

"Michael what's all of the commotion about?"

Michael turned around and saw his mother and little brother standing on top of the staircase looking tired and confused. Michael looked at them and smiled. He then stepped aside and revealing Rachel. Lucy and Sam couldn't believe it.

"Rachel is that really you?"

"Yes aunt Lucy it's me."

Sam raced down the rest of the stairs and hugged his older cousin tightly. Rachel hugged her younger cousin tightly.

"I can't believe it's really you Rachel. What are you here."

Rachel smiled at her cousin and then went and hugged her aunt. Lucy smiled at her niece and couldn't believe it.

"You look just like my sister. I'm so sorry about her not being here anymore."

"That's okay aunt Lucy. I just finished school and thought I come and visit you guys and make it a surprise."

Lucy smiled and then checked the time.

"Well you three might as well go out. It's still early. And spend time with each other. Sam and Michael why don't you two show Rachel around and help her get familiarized with Santa Carla. I have to get to sleep because I have work tomorrow."

Lucy Emerson then went back to her room to get some sleep. Michael, Sam and Rachel then went out to explore the boardwalk.


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