1: Rising Stars

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It was a new day in Tokyo. The Japan Idol Festival had passed through as quickly as it came, and the new -well, more revitalised- talk of the town is the group known as B-Komachi, which stole the show with their new three idols; The newbie idol, Ruby, the child-actor-genius, Kana, and YouTube streamer personality, Memcho.

The three surprised audiences in Japan with their revival of the legacy left behind by Ai, which left fans satisfied with the new looks, styles and voices but eager for more, with a lingering question.

What comes next?


"Good morning, idols!" A smiling blonde waltzed into the building, magazines and newspaper articles held under her arm

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"Good morning, idols!" A smiling blonde waltzed into the building, magazines and newspaper articles held under her arm. Ruby wore her red and white summer dress as Japan was treated to a surprise heatwave.

One red-haired girl and another blonde, but with brunette roots, turned to face Ruby. The short girl with red hair opened her mouth before being loudly interrupted by the eldest of the group.

"No way! Is that today's batch!?" Memcho squealed with excitement as she darted towards Ruby, holding her hands together pleadingly.

Kana could only roll her eyes at the scene before her but was betrayed by the smile that crept onto her face. "Newbies..." she mumbled before joining the stage herself.

Ruby nodded enthusiastically and held out the magazines before her, all with a sticky note within the media documents. "We are mentioned in all of these, and..."

The duo in front of her watched in anticipation of what Ruby was about to show them. And they were not disappointed as the star-eyed girl presented them with a magazine labelled 'Idol's Weekly' with all three printed on the front in their stage outfits. The headline read: The New B-Komachi!

Memcho squealed, and Kana felt a satisfying shiver run up her spine, causing her jaw to drop. "That's photoshopped, right?" She asked in disbelief. "I messed my performance up between both routines!"

Ruby and Kana slowly looked at Memcho, who looked like she was going to explode. "Somebody thought otherwise because we just made it big time!" She squealed loudly, snatched the magazine and bounced around the room.

There it is... the young teen thought with an awkward smile.

The YouTuber kept screaming, "We made it!" while she hopped around like a bunny, but froze when the room's door opened.

Another blonde, but with blue eyes and male, stared at the bubbling mess that was Memcho. He slowly tilted his head to see what she was holding.

"The new B-Komachi..." He muttered his analysis, and a smile followed suit. He looked amongst the other girls and nodded approvingly, "Congratulations are in order, I suppose, so congrats." His voice never reached a dynamic that could match his sister's, but his face showed he meant what he said.

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