5: Convention Time

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The day has finally arrived—the day of anime-con. B-Komachi arrived early that day, seeing as two of the three girls were heavily into anime, to meet and view what people and gift shops could have popped up in and out of the building.

But as soon as they entered the building, Memcho was the first to show her inner child, running around and looking at every possible anime replica and cosplayer.

"Oh my god! Eren?! Kaneki!? There's even a Saiki-K and-" She gasped and ran towards a towering figure of a cosplayer, "Koro-Sensei!? This is such an amazing cosplay!"

She stood next to something that resembled an octopus in a teacher's cloak. It had eight legs (and, for the keen-eyed people, stilts in between), a massive yellow ball for a head with two white dots and a mouth wide enough to eat a melon, and two tentacles that acted as arms.

"Memcho, wait up!" Kana called from the background as she and Ruby ran towards her.

The YouTuber turned around and stuck out her tongue, "Are you not seeing this? He's huge!" She giggled ecstatically and bounced on the spot, turning back to the cosplayer.

The cosplayer impersonating Koro-Sensei could be heard under the mask. "Uh, Mem? It's me,"

The other girls caught up as Memcho's face turned from excited to confused in seconds. "Wait... I know that voice..."

The male inside moved a piece of cloth. The eyes that were revealed shocked all the girls.

"Aqua!?" They all screamed.

He let out a small laugh and removed the cloth from his grip.

"Why the hell- I mean, I know why," Kana stared at her crush with a shocked expression, "But how on earth did you find the time to make it!?"

Aqua looked away from them in thought. "I, uh, had help from a friend."

Yeah right! They all thought sarcastically.

"Anyway, shouldn't you guys be looking for the concert area? It starts in an hour or so." The costumed teen asked while looking between each girl.

Ruby stepped forward and lifted the cloth that hid Aqua's face. "Last I checked, you're with us," She grinned and looked back at the costume. "Shame you can't play the guitar and wear this. Would give the audience a real kick."

"The only person- nay, people it would kick would be us as we sing! Remember the choreography?" Kana reminded the group as she got closer to the giant octopus.

"We don't get too close," Memcho started, "we only did that because if Markus got close to one of us, the rumour of a scandal happening could spark!"

"Wow, you sound a lot like Kana now," the blonde girl informed Memcho, looking unimpressed.

"Hey, what's wrong with that!?" Kana screamed while holding a fist in the air, almost like she'd hit someone.

Ignoring the redhead's rage, Ruby continued. "Can't male and female members of a band stand close? That shouldn't mean anything to the audience." She asked inquisitively.

Kana took a deep breath and touched her co-star's shoulder, gaining her attention. "Ruby Ruby Ruby...  do you forget the world we live in currently? You breathe air around the opposite gender a hurricane of rumours and theories follow."

"Then..." Ruby looked towards the floor in thought, partly disheartened, "Why did we agree with having Markus?"

"We agreed because it was a good idea of his to grow the group and himself at the same time." Memcho chimed in with a crossed-armed smile. "We grow as idols, and people can see the potential and passion our composer has for the art we present!"

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