Part 3 He's an alcoholic!?

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Kyle's Pov
Time skip bc my ass ain't writing about school rn

After school Eric, Stan, Kenny and I decided that we where going to sleepover at Stan's house since his parents arnt going to be home for a week and his sister is at college

I'm lucky my parents let me because it is a school day

After school ended everyone went home to get stuff that they needed for the sleepover and Kenny picked everyone up using Stan's car bc Stan needed to stay how to make food

When everyone arrived and ate dinner n' stuff

We were all inside of Stan's room chilling and taking turns playing games on his Ps4 everyone slowly getting tired

" You guys I can tell everyone's tired so we should probably sleep " Eric said being reasonable for once

Everyone agreed to sleep the sleeping arrangements were that Stan was on his bed Eric was next to Stan's bed I was sleeping next to the wall in front of the closet and Kenny was In the closet (hiding his gayness for Butters)

I woke up at around 3 in the morning by instinct because I usually go out and get blood from humans or animals but today I didn't need any but I did need some water so I walked downstairs to get some

As I walked down the stairs I heard muffled sobbing so I quietly but quickly went down the stairs I peeked around the corner and saw Stan sobbing into the couch cushion while holding onto a big bottle I looked closer at it. It was a fucking alcohol bottle of

" Stan? " He looked up at me and smiled

" Oh heeeey Kyle " He said as if he wasn't just crying

" Stan what's in your hand " he quickly hid his hands behind his back

" Noooothiiing " he mumbled while giggling

I walked to him " Stan take your hands out from behind your back and stand up "

He took his hands out from behind him and then stood up I looked down under his legs and saw a bottle of alcohol " Stan... " He looked up at me sheepishly while looking like he was about to collapse " sit down Stan "

He sat down on the couch and I sat next to him he was about to grab the bottle but I snatched it away from him before he could " Stan no "

" Whyyyyy " he said whining

" Stan why are you drinking...? "

He stayed silent and looked down fiddling with his fingers then talked " uhm its water " he said nervously hoping I would belive it

" Then I'll smell it to prove it " he looked at me and sighed before mumbling " I was lying "

" Stan answer my question "

" Because it makes me un-sad " Stan said obviously drunk

" Stan... are you an alcoholic? "

He stayed silent looking down obviously about to cry " u-uhm m-maybe " Stan said shedding a few tears

I then pulled him into a hug and he hugged back I held him tight and drew circles into his back he started sobbing into my pajama shirt and sometimes he'd squeeze me tighter signaling my to rub his back or head

I was silent except for the occasional "it'll be okay" and "I'm here for you" he then slowly stopped crying and his squeezing went to loose hugging

He fell asleep

I smiled and laid back not letting go of him and slowly I fell asleep too

In the morning
Stan's Pov

I slowly woke up not opening my eyes ugh I have a headache but mhm this blanket smells good it dosnt usually smell like that though... I slowly opened my eye's and blinked a few times wait this isn't my bed this is my couch then whats... omg I'm fucking cuddling Kyle...well I might as well enjoy this warmth before he wakes up... I close my eyes and feel myself fall back to sleep

Kyle's Pov 10 minutes after Stan had fell back to sleep

Huh there something heavy and warm on my chest...and it's moving a little? I look down omg it's Stan oh and he's asleep well I don't mind I guess I'll just... fall back to sleep in the meantime...

Kenny's pov 5 minutes after Kyle fell asleep

I wake up and sit up rubbing my eyes I slowly open the closet door and notice that Stan and Kyle are gone huh they must be awake already... I slowly and quietly walk down the stairs and OH MY FUCKING GOD ARE THEY CUDDLING!? I slowly take my phone out my pocket and take a few photos quickly and silently I look around and see an alcohol bottle on the table next to the couch... oh no did Kyle witness Stan drinking what happened last night I take a closer look at Stan and notice his under eyes are red he's definitely been crying. I slowly walk over to Kyle and look closely at him I notice that Kyle's on Kyle's shoulder it's darker than the other parts of his clothing I softly touch it and it's wet... awe Kyle let him cry into his shoulder thats... cute? Dramatic gasp in his head omg they'd be cute together I have a feeling that this night is going to lead to something more for them. I smirk and then grab some water in a cup and some medicine and put it on the same table as the alcohol I quickly grab that off the table and go to Stan's room and instead of putting it where he usually does I hid it under his bed them I slowly walk around Eric to make sure I don't wake him and quickly walk back into the closet closing it quickly but quietly. You know I noticed both Stan and Kyle sleep with their hats on so does Eric am I the only one who dosnt sleep with a hat on!?


This was fun af writing 10/10 would do it again

1004 words 🧀🧀

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