Part 7 The party

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Kyle's Pov

It was the day of the party and everyone was there I stayed by Stan's side to make sure he didn't drink too much


Cartman, Wendy, Bebe, Kenny, Butters, Clyde, Tolkien, Stan and I all went upstairs to his room.

" Ok so the rules are if you don't want to go into the closet with a person you drink a shot of alcohol. You arnt allowed to have sex in the closet or get a blow job or hand job ur allowed to make out tho " Tolkien said smiling and speaking in his usual cheerful voice

We played a bunch rounds and Stan ended up wasted because every time he spun the bottle he got Cartman but eventually I spun the bottle and got Stan and we both went to the closet

We texted each other to talk about the plan and we started at around 2 minutes in we started making out passionately he was laying down on the ground and I was on top of him pinning him down kissing him I might've pulled down the top of the turtleneck (the part covering his neck) and started giving him more hickeys😈😈

Tolkien opened the door and saw this his jaw dropped. " What the fuck " was all he could get out. Before he slammed the door I heard him mutter " I have never seen someone make out like that before "

After he slammed the door shut I got off of the beaming red Stan and I pulled the top of his turtleneck up. When we walk out I know people will know we kissed because Stan was beaming red, ruffled up hair and his hat falling off and he was wearing a turtleneck you only wear those if your a Karen or if your hiding something he's the second one.

We walked out of the closet and I smiled at Tolkien and he just started at me like he just watched someone get murdered everyone else looked at us confused except for Bebe and Kenny who were smirking at us.

After 3 more rounds the party was over and when Stan and I left Bebe quickly ran up to me and said " Good one " before she ran back to Wendy. On our way out I waved bye at Tolkien and he waved back and shivered and waved bye back.

After I left he texted me and it said " Gross dude I didn't wanna see that never opening a closet again without letting them know their 7 minutes are up i shivered seeing his neck😭😭 "



450 words 🐺

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