Part 8 The End

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Sorry for not updating this for the last 4 days but yeah uhm this is the last chapter unless I change my mind
Stan's pov


olkien probably was forced out into telling what he saw... so we can avoid any social awkwardness... wait this will probably make it more akward... omg what if it got to our parents we didn't think this through enough! oh well our grave

Well the bus is here so I'm getting on. I sat next to Kyle as always but uuugh why are kids on the bus so looouud... oh well I don't really care🤷‍♂️

We made it to school and everyone is staring probably bc of what happened at the party and bc I'm wearing one of my least favorite types of shirts but their not mean staring the staring is kinda like 'You go queens be whoo you aaaareeeee' idk that's how the stares look like

Ugh why is my brain always drunk sounding :| oh time for class. I headed to class and there was a few more of those stares here and there but that's ok since their good stares

After school

I'm hanging out with Kyle rn and that makes me happy knowing I'm dating the right one. I think I'm going to marry him. Omg why are my thoughts so squishy wait is that the word? Mushy why are my thoughts so mushy.

"Stan are you okay?"

"Yeah why?"

"Your staring at the roof and not blinking :|"


"Bro it's fine"

😱In the future😱

"And that's the story on how your dad and I met" I, Stan the great said

"You guys were cringe"  Garry said

"Garry what the hel- ...heck don't say that to us" Kyle said frowning while Stella and I tried to hold in our giggling. Stella failed tho

"Whatever you two go to bed" Kyle said kissing them on the forehead

"But I'm scared of the daaarrrkkkk" Garry whined

"You have 5 night lights I think you'll be fine" I said still holding in my laughter

We left the room and Kyle let out a small sigh "Taking care of kids is hard" Kyle said flopping onto the couch before fixing his posture

"Yeah but it's worth it to save those poor little kiddos from having to do it themselves" I said sitting next to Kyle and snuggling against him

Kyle wrapped his arm around me and smiled "Yeah your right" he said laying his head on mine

He then mumbled something but I couldn't hear him because he was falling asleep eventually i fell asleep too, in the warmth of my hubby's love😘😘😋😋


The end

Ok I know this is very shitty but I will eventually probably come in and fix this bc of it not being good, sorry

474 words 🐺

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