~ Break the 4th Wall! ~

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 The_Author joined the chat

The_Author: So, it's been a while.

Spaceman: oh shit it has

RocketMaaan: what the hell happened to you??

The_Author: 5th and 6th grade happened. Big Transformers and TMNT phases.

TotallyNotACinamonRoll: we missed you

The_Author: have you guys been taking care of Stella??

RocketMaaan: ????

Spaceman + The_Author: The cat

Scooter: forgot about that

TheVeeMan: same tho

Spaceman: it was your idea

SquidBrain: cat??

Jeff: who the hell are you 6 talking to?

The_Author: Oh, shit... Hello Jeff. I've really only written you in as comedic effect. Nice to meet you! I'm also the reason Verity and Alan battle Pokemon at 2am.

Jeff: Alright, then. Please stop making them be annoying at 3am. PLEASE!

The_Author + Scooter + Spaceman + all of the other ones: hahaha no!! 

Jeff: fuck

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