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After Lando's slaughter of the Titans, he walked back to the barracks. Nobody stood in his way, and nobody talked to him. Lando took a shower and cleaned his clothes. After doing all of that he climbed up to the roof of the barracks and took out his journal. He had a lot of sketches he needed to finish. He finished all of his drawings at about 3 a.m. Lando has terrible insomnia so he rarely gets more than 5 hours of sleep, but he tried so he went to sleep he walked in and saw everyone sleeping already. He climbed into his bed to sleep.

Lando woke up when he heard noise all around him, he opened his eyes and saw everyone up and ready with their Cadet uniforms, so he followed after them.

Lando walked out into the courtyard where they were to be given their next orders, he waited around for a bit then Conny and Jean came over to him.

"Hey, Lando," Conny said.

"Hello," Lando said.

"Do you think that they will let us choose our Corps yet?" Conny asked.

"Soon I don't know what else they want from us," Lando said.

"They might want us to help finish off the remaining Titans in Trost," Jean says.

"I guess but the scouts will probably do that; it is the only thing they do," Lando said.

"Yeah, but maybe there are too many for them," Conny said.

"No, Lando made sure yesterday that they were all gone." Jean pointed out.

"No, there was still some left," Lando said.

"How can you say that so nonchalantly?" Jeans asked.

"Lando always asks like he doesn't care," Conny said.

"That isn't true," Lando said.

"Yes, it is," Conny said.

"Yeah, I guess when you can escort a Titan through a horde of other Titans that are trying to kill you with almost no help you can not care," Jean says.

"I had help," Lando said.

"Yeah they distracted them, you slaughtered a horde of them," Jean says. "Big difference."

" Yeah, but it's over now at least," Lando says.

"You're right, at least it's over and I can go live my life in the interior," Jean said.

"The MPs are nice, easy life. They are my second choice if I couldn't join the scouts," Lando said.

Conny wraps his arm around Lando's neck. "And while you're sitting in the interior me and Lando will kill all the Titans!" Conny said doing his best Eren impression.

Jean gets a smile on his face. "Why don't you join the MP's Lando?"

"It's personal," Lando said.

"You and your secrets," Conny said.

"It's my charm," Lando responded.

After that, an officer calls everyone over.

"Your new orders are to help with the cleanup of Trost! The Titans don't digest humans so they threw them up after eating humans!" An officer yelled out.

Lando went over and got his squad he was going to do the cleanup with, he didn't recognize any names besides Jean's.

"Looks like we are in the same squad," Jean says.

"Seems like it." Lando sighed, "I'm not going to feel clean for weeks."

"Why are you such a clean freak?" Jean asked. "I've always wanted to know."

"In the Underground, it was always dirty so my home was the only place that wasn't dirty because I would always clean it, so I don't wanna feel like I'm back down there so I always clean. Also, my dad was a clean freak too and I thought as a kid that if I cleaned up and kept it clean he would come back and stay." Lando explained

"Who is your dad?" Jean asked.

"Don't worry about it," Lando said.

"Point taken," Jean says. " But you clean till there isn't a spec of dust."

"If there is dust it's dirty, not clean," Lando said.

After Lando said that their squad captain called them over so they started the cleanup.

Lando and Jean stuck by each other, Lando did it because he didn't know anyone else.

They were walking and Jean noticed a body and then gasped, Lando looked over and saw what looked like Marco's half-eaten corpse.

"Are you...Marco?" Jean muttered while shaking.

"Do you know his name Cadet?" A lady walked over and asked.

"I wondered where he was...But...He was the last person who would ever....Marco...What happened?" Jean says shocked.

"D-did someone...anyone...see how he went out?" Jean says walking away.

"What is his name?" The lady asked. "Tell me if you know quickly."

Jean looked over his shoulder giving her a death glare and she returned one.

"Do you understand cadet?" she asked. "Two days have passed since we sealed the hole with the rock. Yet we still haven't rounded up all of the bodies. At this rate, an epidemic could break out. We must prevent a secondary disaster. There's no time to lament our comrades' deaths yet. Understand?"

"Member of the 104th cadets and Captain of Squad 19 ... .Marco Bodt," Jean says.

The lady started writing on her clipboard. "Marco...I'm glad you knew his name. Let's continue."

Lando didn't say anything, it wasn't his place too, he gave Jean a pat on the shoulder.

Lando and Jean walked in silence before Jean said that they should split up. He gave him his space and Lando walked around before stumbling on what looked like a red sac full of human corpses.

"What is this....?" Sasha asked.

"Leftover Titan vomit." A soldier said. "Apparently they don't have digestive systems, so they puke out like that once they've had their fill."

"You can't be serious..." Sasha said.

Lando helped them get the bodies out of there before moving on. Eventually, they were called back to the barracks, everyone there was looking grim, and Lando was with Conny and Jean again.

"How did he die..?" Jean questioned.

"Maybe he ran out of gas?" Lando said.

"No, he had enough..." Jean says.

"I'm sorry then I got nothing," Lando says.

"How do you not seem disturbed...?" Conny asked.

Lando didn't respond.

"Is there any beauty left in this world...?" Jean asked.

"How do you just keep on living like nothing is the matter...?" Jean said to Lando.

"Jean...." Lando said while thinking of something to say.

"We lose....We take.....We catch and get caught....We conform and make others conform.....We do nothing but cycle between those roles....Take what we can and fight to not lose more we must....But as hard as we fight, we will lose it all...The people we loved and were loved by will die...No matter what...Someday will be forgotten... To live is to be unhappy....It's futile." Lando said

"Then is there a point at all...?" Jean asked. "Then why do you keep fighting...?"

"Even so....Small and grotesque as I am.....Short and cruel as this life may be....I still claw forward....I still search for beauty.....Because it's worth it.....To keep choosing....To keep being chosen....." Lando finished.

The three of them sat in silence after that, letting Lando's words sink in.

I know this is a short chapter but I'm going on a trip tomorrow and I'll be gone for 4 days. I wanted something to be out before I left so I threw this one together. 

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