Chapter 37

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Peter was eating pancakes

With his family

Alfred and May made it for them

Alfred:here you are Peter happy birthday to you Peter

Peter:thanks Alfred

May:oh my boy is turning 21

Peter:wow I I been alive for 21 years

Barbara:so what are you gonna do today

Peter:I don't know I almost never do much on my birthday well most of the time a trip to the museum

May:he also never does much on his birthday just school after school and stuff like that then we have the Night for a cake with friends

Peter:love it

Selina:well today where celebrating it bigger

Peter:who else knows

Bruce:the little the best

Kara:he told me to not tell Clark

Peter laughed

Dick:did you get birthday text

Peter:hmmm I don't know

Peter opened his phone

Peter:hey I did get a birthday text....oh that's not birthday text that's a threat

Everyone looked at him

Peter:it's the creator of the ultron robots

Bruce:what's he saying

Peter showed him

"Give me access back to my droids or else"

Selena:oh perfect

Stephanie:put it in the lawsuit

At the streets of New York

The street were fixed

Many trees where planted

The wall of building where's cleaned

Trash was picked up

People walked safely

And when there was a crime

2 thugs robbed a man


Ultron bots:Human in danger....Human in danger....human in dnagsr

The thugs were stopped and the man had his stuff returned

Ultron bots:Here you have your ítems returned please have a nice day

With the avengers

Hank was trying to reprogram them

Ultron:I'm sorry but you do not have access....please consult with my programmer if you have a problem

Hank tried again

Ultron:I'm sorry but you don't not have access...please stop what you are doing or I will inform the police of assault of hacking

Hank:god dammit

Ultron:please watch your language

Iron man:what did he use

Hank:this new coding is different than anything it's bigger than anything we have

Reed:it's growing even it's like an a I or something

Iron man:I'll call Peter

Hank:I already did

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