Chapter 44

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Detective chip:this is insulting

Peter took the bananas away

Detective chimp:oh give me don't act like him do you....Jesus your mother must have been hilarious

Batman:alright tell us everything

Detective chimp:No let me tell you something now I spend a long time dealing with fools trying to be bigger only for it to blow up in there face they have several types of humans who are exactly the same only for it to be them shoving shit up there ass and there people who do things in secret that kill's someone by accident there people who are racist by there skin such as scales or feather and they don't do crowd  control and people die and next thing you know they take this opportunity to steal more power shit that that can shove in the heroes ass and then when there is a problem the leave the city unprotected and some fight each other cause they don't agree with there problems and cause more death and some just want to be as good as gods and all I have to say it....WHAT THE FUCK


Detective chimp:YES!!!!

Batman:ok chimp I know it's been years but tell me did you see other

Detective chimp:yes and solve how to get home some wanted to try some quit but we went out separate ways we though we lost and now had to be here but we saw the heroes and saw many wars and battles so we quit being heroes and saved people but why didn't I see the boy

Peter:well I had a conversation with spectre he said someone saved me but why

Detective chimp:3 mysteries


Detective chimp:1 where the other are.....2 why where you saved......3 what's up with the worlds ass

Peter:gonna be a long day

With supergirl

Mary marvel:so how's it been working far away

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Mary marvel:so how's it been working far away

Supergirl:you know just a typical day in the office

Mary marvel:and how's the great and sweet son of batman

Supergirl:you have no idea

Mary marvel:heard from powergirl you and him been real busy

Supergirl:apart from working hard we been helping other and understanding each other and trying to find more of our friends

Mary marvel:nice and what else have you been doing

Supergirl:well me and him have been going on dates and some of his ex call him

Mary marvel:whoa so it had happened


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