Chapter 29

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A knock at the door

As the door opened ajar

Cat women:password

Harley:itsy bisty spider crawled up a mama cat

Cat women opened the door and Harley saw Peter as a baby stacking diamond

Harley rushed to Peter

Harley:hi baby who's an adorable baby who's an adorable baby

Peter smiled and tried to reach her

Harley;come to auntie

Harley kissed Peter

Ivy:wow will you look at that....also why do you keep diamonds

Selina:hey memory

Ivy picked him up only to see his bright reflective eyes

Ivy:how does this work

Ivy turned him upside down as Peter wiggled his little legs

Selina:it's not like a salt shaker he is small and adorable

Ivy:yea but shouldn't he grow up or something

Selina:yea but forget that you know what would nice the baby

At the Justice league tower

Superman:I'm sorry what

Batman:Peter is a baby

Flash:do you want me to use the speed force to get him back at his age

Batman:no It need the device and beside remember the last time you used the speed force

Flash:right right

Wonder women:so when can we see him

Superman:we are gonna be all cute with him

Cyborg:ok I think I got to

The Kara came in

Kara:hey guys has anyone seen Peter me and him were trying to-*seeing suit on the floor*

Kara blushed and said

Kara:why is Peter clothes on the floor

Superman:long story

Batman:I'm heading to Gotham

Batman rushed out

Kara picked up Peter clothes and mask and smells them

Kara:EWWW god Peter what do you do


Kara washed his suit and then put on

Kara:just a few minutes

With Batman

Batman broke into Selena's penthouse

He began looked for clues but then saw selina transactions

Batman:why are you doing this

At a park

Peter was being rocked on selina arms as he feel asleep

Ivy:oh my god he is a little flower

Selina:my baby so innocent so perfect sweet.....I'll always be a prefect mom for you



This caused Peter to wake up and cry

Selina:oh now look what you did


Harley:I got this

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