Y/n x family- the tree doesn't lie.

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Summery- you find out you're going to be a teen mom.
⚠️This story contains alcohol and r@pe(not much but some.) and teen pregnancy in it, if you are triggered, or may trigger you, please do not read it for your own safety. Thank you!⚠️

Fuck! I curse sitting at the tree of souls. I never knew my favorite place could reveal my worst fear. All I could do was cry. What did I do to deserve this? My dad is going to kill me. I never meant for this to happen. I went to a party with my brother Lo'ak and got a tad bit too drunk and woke up somewhere random in the woods. I got grounded but didn't think much of it until 3 days ago. I missed my period. I didn't think much of it until I realized I could be pregnant. The timeline sorta adds up. I went to that party six weeks ago. I tried to remember who it was but it was no use. My memories of that night were a bit foggy.

Great to now have to tell my dad I'm a teen mom and I have no clue who the father is. Fuck.

I would usually tell my brother everything since he is my best friend. But I don't want him to think it's his fault that he let me Lo'ak sneak off, usually tells us to stay home, but we've been acting pretty okay and he allowed us to go out when he was supposed to be watching us.

I decide I need to tell him. So I hopped on my Ikran and headed to his favorite floating rock to hide out on.

"Neteyam, I have to to tell you something. Can you try you best not to freak out?" I ask.

"I mean you're kind of scaring me, but okay?" He questions. "What is it?"

"I think I'm pregnant, I'm like 82% sure."

"Oh my Eywa Y/n. When? Who?" He asks yelling.

"See that's the thing remember when you caught me and Lo'ak go to that party well, I had a little too drunk woke up in the woods. so it just so happens that I don't know who." I say crying.

"I'm going to murder him the moment we find out okay, and let me guess, mom and dad don't know?"

"No, I literally just found out today. I'm scared and don't know what to do."

"Don't be scared, I will figure it out." Neteyam says hugging me.

We sat at his hiding spot for hours discussing what we're going to do and how to tell our parents. He was my best friend, my brother I'm probably gonna be the only one on my side.

"Did you go to Ma Mo'at to make sure?" He asks.

"before we tell our parents and you may not even be pregnant."

"No, I just feel different. I know it's early. I can't feel it kicking anything but I know. I know I am."

"Well let's go tell mom and dad you're six weeks pregnant and that's it happened on my watch." He says fake smiling knowing we're about to die.

"we're totally dead aren't we?"

"Oh, I'm so fucking dead. And then they will ask who you went with. Then our brother is gonna die too."

We fly down there floating rock our clan lives on now. We feed our Ikrans and head to the hut. My heart dropped to my stomach when I walked in the door. I could lie and run away that would just hurt my parents even more. I decided I needed to tell them.

My mom is in the kitchen, making rice and fish with the mango sauce. And my dad was sharpening his new spear at the table.

"He is going to murder us with that." I whisper into Neteyams ear.

"Yup we're going to die. Hey at least we won't die virgins." he diapers back.

I was shocked I didn't know my older brother lost his virginity?


"You know moms friend's son? The one who led the war I was in a few months ago."

"HIM!" I whisper, shocked.

"Yes, him during that war too. Ugh, it was so hot." He says.


"Girl please you have no right to say anything." He answers by making jokes already.

I decided to tell my parents after dinner when my younger siblings went to bed. I said to dinner, barely talking.

I push the food around on my plate, not hungry from the stress I was under. I guess Neteyam noticed and kicked me underneath the table. I started taking small bites, to ease his mind.

Finally, my mom put my youngest sister to bed, and my other siblings went to sleep except neteyam who was getting a late-night snack.

"Mom dad I need to tell you something. I did something really bad and I'm now paying for it. Please, be calm an open minded so I can tell you."

My parents look at each other with worry as they come and sit on the couch.

"What did you do Y/n you are scaring us. You can tell us?"

"That's the thing Dad I don't know what I did," I say tearing up.

"Sweetie, what do you mean?" My mom asks.

"When you and Dad were away when you and Dad were away Lo'ak and I snuck off to a party. I got really drunk. I don't even know how one minute a guy asked me my name and handed me a drink the next minute I woke up in the woods alone."

"I'm glad you're owning up to what you did." my dad says.

"But there's one more thing. I'm pregnant." I say feeling a load of stress exit my body.

My dad freaks out and starts yelling nonsense, and I start to panic. This is not how I wanted it to go. I feel my chest get heavy as the world begins to spin. Then it went black.

I wake up and the sun is shining and I see my dad and my mother sitting by the edge of a bed. I was in the medical hut, not knowing why.

"What happened," I say panicking.

" You had a panic attack." My mom says.

" I'm sorry for freaking out on you. I panicked when I heard the news. My little girl is pregnant and you were raped. I never thought I'd have to go through this. I thought I protected you enough."

"Im really pregnant." I say tearing up.

"The tree doesn't lie my dear." Ma Mo'at says.

"I'm sorry, Dad I really am." I say crying.

"We will work through this together as a family. We'll figure out who the father is."

"Dad, does he have to be in the baby's life?"

"No, of course not sweetie." My mom says.

"Now let's get you and this baby home." My dad says smiling.

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