Y/n x family- feeling.

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⚠️warning this story contain some triggering events. (suicidal thoughts and drugs). If you aren't comfortable with that or it might trigger your please don't read, thank you!⚠️

"I don't want too!"

"Y/n you need this medicine your wounds will never heal if you don't take it."

"My wounds are healing just fine." I yell at him.

"No they aren't. Norm just told you there infected."

"My body can handle it. It has before."

"Y/n this is a internal and external infection from your wound not being a hundred percent cleaned." Norm tries to tell me.

"I need some fresh air." I say making a break for the door.

I didn't want to take the medication. My parents wouldn't understand though. They just think I'm scared of a little pill. I was an addict. If I put anymore drugs in my system right now I could possibly get severely hurt. But if I didn't take them my cuts from war would get worse. It was a double edged sword.

"Hey sis." Neteyam says sitting next to me. "Why wont you just take the meds, they won't hurt maybe a small headache but when I had the nasty gash in my leg they helped so much."

"Because Neteyam I just can't!"

"Tell why, why can't you do what's good for you?"

"Because Neteyam it will kill me!" I tell him. "I have other drugs in my system that will counteract with the meds Norm wants me to take causing me to react. And not in a good way."

"Y/n, how bad is it? You drug addiction."

"You remember how Norm was missing a bottle of pills a few weeks ago?"


"That was me and before that I was taking whatever other pills I could get my hands on."

"How lo-ong?" He says emotional.

"Few months give or take."

"I have to tell dad."

"Please don't Neteyam he'll make get sober and then I won't be able to function."

"Y/n this is serious shit." He says getting up to tell dad.

"Wait neteyam-" I say trying to get up but since I'm in pain from my throbbing wound.

"I'm sorry Y/n but I can't watch you kill your self. Look at you. You can barely stand up without wincing in pain. You're begging me to let you stay addicted. I can't, I'm sorry, that's not what brothers do."

Neteyam runs into the medical lab to tell my dad. I don't chase him though I just stand there accepting my fate. I debate on taking the last of pills for one more good time or finally getting sober. I let the addiction get to me and took the bottle out of my bag and pop the last nine pills down my mouth with no hesitation.

I have never taken this many before. I've always made sure I only took four at a time and even that has me tripping and then passing out for a good twelve hours.

I feel my eyes get having as my legs go numb and my body's hit the hard cold ground.

My brain was fogging and all I could hear was muffled voices.

"What did she take?"

"Looks like a painkiller opioid really dangerous when taken on large amounts."

"I don't know if this helps, but she said he said it was the bottle she took from you weeks ago."

"that was like a hundred and fifty pills that would last her a hundred and fifty days. Jake we gotta get in there now I have to pump her stomach."

"On it. Hold on baby girl, we are gonna save you."

I heard loud machines beeping and people quietly talking around me.

"I have to find a way to tell your mother."

"Dad I would wait to tell them when they get back from their girls trip."

"I guess this is why your sister didn't want to go."

I wake up groggy and with a pounding headache that could kill.

"What the hell were you thinking? Pills!" My dad yells at me.

Fuck this is not how I saw today going.

"I don't know."

"Not your going to tell me a real answer Y/n. No funny business. You want to act like an adult, you're going to speak like one."

"I was bored."

"So your stealing pills and overdosing out of boredom. Why don't I believe a word of that!"

"I don't know."

"Answer damn it?"

"So I didn't have to feel anymore!"

"Y/n what do you mean?"

"I was tired of feeling like shit so I started taking pill every now and then to ease my mind. And then everyday I was taking a pill. Then two, three, soon lead to four."

"Baby you should've come to your mother or I. We could've helped you."

"I have it handled."

"Clearly you almost dying is totally handled."

"You guys didn't notice. So clearly I did."

"I'm sorry we didn't notic-."

"Hey I got Y/n Toxs screens back."


"Read them Norm." My dad says.

"You had enough drugs in your system to take out a Ikran. Thank god I pumped your stomach quickly enough. And not to mention what you had in it before."


"Y/n you need help. Norm and I are going to get you sober. I don't care what you think of what's best for you."


"You could've died. That's not something to whatever!"

"What if that's what I wanted."

"Why would you want that, you would break your mothers heart."

"So I could feel happy again dad." I say. "It's all I want."

"So let's make you happy again without the drugs."


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