Happy New Years!

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The New years party from Henry's pov mix of book and movie


"You are invited to the annual White House Trio New Years Eve Party. You are allowed a plus one, hope to see you there!"

Henry stared at the invitation in his hands wearily. He knew Alex didn't send it so he was very skeptical about why June or Nora would send it.

He knew going would be risky, or at least for him. He has been getting to attached with Alex recently with how much they have been texting and he knew that if they kept it up he would do something he would regret. And he knew if he went to this party, if he saw Alex again, he would do something stupid. 

That didn't stop him.

He pulled out his phone sending a quick message to Pez asking if he wanted to go. Of course he said yes. If anyone asked why he was going to this party it was so that Pez could see June, definitely not for Henry to see her brother.

That's why 3 weeks later Henry was standing outside of the White House.

Going in was awkward to say the least, because for all he knew Alex didn't even want him here. He didn't even expect to see Alex because he was sure that Alex barely even took an interest in Henry despite their constant texting. 

So when Alex greeted him and hung out with him for most of the night, he was pleasantly surprised. The entire night Henry was entranced by Alex, he was constantly watching, admiring him. The way his hair slightly flopped when he danced, the way his eyes sparkled when the light hit them just right(or when he looked at Henry), the way his hips swayed to the music, Henry couldn't get enough of the American. He was so deeply in love with him. 

He was fucked

When midnight came around Henry started to feel saddened by the fact he wouldn't get to have a midnights kiss with someone he truly loves, with Alex. However, he felt slightly better knowing that Alex wouldn't have a kiss at least.

Until he kissed Nora

Henry felt his heart drop to his ankles. Realistically he knew Alex did not feel for him the same but I guess he held out some drop of hope that he meant as much to Alex as Alex did to him. He couldn't even get mad at Alex because they truly were only friends, if that. He just felt defeated. Henry suddenly didn't want to be at the party anymore. 

Henry left to get some fresh air out by a tree in the yard. Nature calmed him, the night calmed him, the moon calmed him. His life he always felt stressed and under pressure because of his title but when he went outside at night it felt like every burden he had left. The way that nature can just be calmed him. Knowing that no matter what happened he could always rely on the moon being there at night. 

"Did I do something wrong"

Henry heard from a voice behind him, he knew that voice anywhere, Alex

He didn't know what to say because to Henry he did something wrong, but how could he know he did something wrong without knowing why. Henry didn't know what came over him, probably the alcohol.

"Just...sometimes things get to much" Henry replied which technically wasn't a lie. 

Alex moves over and stands next to Henry, shoulders touching. 

"Do you ever wander what it would be like if you were an anonymous person in the world" Henry suddenly gets the confidence to do something about his little infatuation. 

"What do you mean" Alex replies, probably to drunk to understand, 'You know if you were mum weren't the president" Henry dumbs it down for him. 

Alex rattles some shumk about being a model cause of his fantastic genes(Though Henry couldn't disagree with that one)

"I'd be  a writer" 

"Can't you do that?" Alex asks, oh if he only knew the limitations of royalty.

"People don't see it as worthwhile since I'm a prince, really the only family career path is military" 

Henry decides to also add, "I'd also date more" in an attempt to breech the subject. Henry didn't know what he was doing. Obviously he wasn't going to act on the feelings that would be absurd, but he did kind of want Alex to realize what Henry truly is. 

"Right cause its so hard to find a date when your a prince" Alex mocks.

"You'd be surprised" Henry adds coldly, seemingly shocking Alex.

"How you don't seem to be lacking in options" Alex tries to joke.

Henry decides to just bite the bullet, "The options I like well...they aren't really options at all I guess."

Alex looks more confused than ever.


Of course he doesn't understand, how could he.

"I have...people...who interest me" Henry adds, getting confused at himself for how he worded that. So Henry isn't exactly surprised when Alex says:

"I don't know what the hell you're talking about" 

"You don't"


"You really don't?" Henry asks in an attempt to see if Alex is yanking his chain.

"I really really don't" Alex says confused

Ugh, never thought this would be so frustrating. Henry contemplates what to say next however his heart acts first. Pulling Henry towards Alex like some magnetic force. Before Henry even knows what he is doing he says:

"Christ you're as thick as it gets" and grabs Alex's face to bring him in for a kiss.

The kiss is fierce, like 4 years of pent up lust and love. Henry thinks this is his only chance so he pours his heart out in that kiss. At this point he doesn't even care if Alex is kissing him back. Every brush oh Henry's tongue whispers I love you and all he can think about is how this guy in front of him could destroy him, and he wouldn't even care.

Christ how did I ever even pretend to hate him, Henry's mind screams. 

Then suddenly Henry remembers the complications of what he just did. Alex, his best friend will never talk to him again, he could go and tell everyone about the disgusting prince who kissed the straight guy at his party. He also realizes that even if Alex enjoyed this, they couldn't do it again because Henry would fall even more in love with him than he already is.

So he runs, well curses, apologizes, then runs. 

He runs back into the party faster than he has ever ran in his life.

Pez...where's Pez?

His mind fills like its swimming in and out of consciousness. He begins to feel faint, suddenly Pez taps him on the shoulder, "Hey you okay man"

"I-I don't feel to well, I-I think we need to leave" Henry says staring at the backdoor where Alex suddenly appeared. Pez takes him to his security so they can leave.

Soon they are back on a plane to England. Henry wants to feel bad about leaving because he knew Pez wanted to hang with June, but he could not possibly talk to Alex.

So he ignores him, its one of the hardest things he has ever done. He had gotten so used to texting and calling him that he didn't realize how hard it would be to stop. He saw the daily texts from Alex but he could never bring himself to text him back.

Henry felt like his life took a turn for the worse, he was heartbroken, but he felt like it was his fault. So he was absolutely dreading going to the state dinner in a month, that was until a certain American pushed him up against an Alexander Hamilton painting...


That was my first fic in a while, sorry if its bad I'm doing this at like 2 am. I didn't even mean for it to be this long lol.

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