The Magazine

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I got this idea from @book_l0ver15 hope I did the prompt justice. 

Alex telling henry about the magazine.


"What are you looking at baby?" Alex asked looking over at Henry staring intently at his phone. 

The pair was just laying in bed after a long day at work/at the shelter.

"Oh just some old picture of me on some magazine when I was younger" Henry says nonchalantly and moving on from the picture.

Alex makes a low hum and forgets about it and continues reading the book he was reading. Its the new Hunger Games book and he was trying hard to concentrate on it again after he hears about the picture. 

He slowly comes to a realization. 

No it can't be. Surely there were many pictures taken of Henry when he was younger and put on magazines right?


"W-what was the picture of you from when you were younger" Alex asks Henry trying to sound cool and collected.

"Oh here" Henry pulls the picture back up and hands the phone to Alex.

Surely enough it was the picture

"Ohhhh this one" Alex says, voice slightly cracking from going so high.

"yea that one, what about it" Henry asks, suddenly curious.

Alex can still feel how it felt running his fingers endlessly over the page of henry in his sister's magazine.

'Nothing" Alex says confidently, returning back to his book.

"Noooooo there is definitely something with you and that picture." Henry laughs while saying it.

"Let me guess, you saw it in one of your sister's magazines and saw me and were like 'wow look at that pretentious dick'" Henry says in a fake southern accent trying to mock Alex.

Alex turns bright red knowing he is going to have to tell Henry. 

Meanwhile Henry can't stop laughing at his own joke.

"No actually I think I was obsessed with you" Alex contemplates.

This stops Henry in his tracks, "what?"

"Well I did see it in my sister's magazine, she uh had it laying out and I saw that picture of you and well I think I thought you were cute or something along those lines. I mean I would constantly run my hands over you hair and wonder what it would feel like in real life. I would constantly look at the picture, I thought you looked like the nicest person ever, I actually considered cutting the page out and keeping it for myself." Alex huffs out sheepishly.

Henry's face is priceless

"Alex, love, that is simultaneously the cutest, funniest, stalkerish thing I have ever heard, come here" Henry says with a slight laugh, pulling Alex in for a bear hug.

Alex feels relief now that Henry knew that little piece of information. 

"God how did I ever think I was straight?" Alex laughs after kissing Henry. 

Henry laughs, and Alex thinks that he will never get sick of hearing that sweet song.

"I was right you know, you are the nicest person I have ever met" Alex tells Henry seriously. 

Henry smiles and kisses Alex again

"Oh yea were you right about my hair being as soft as it looks" Henry added sorta seductively with a wink.

"Oh definitely" Alex says 

They didn't sleep much that night.


I hope that was good I literally wrote this at 3 am.

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