13 - desert inn

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Padme's P.O.V

Vader paused the second he had taken two steps outside the door and turned around, "I forget my mask." he said, I suppressed a laugh and watched as he turned to the door but froze while walking through it- which led him to getting hit on the head "Ow!" he yelled, I laughed as he cussed in some language I didn't know.
"What could be so important that you'd get hit in the head for it?" I asked
"Sidious will know I didn't do the mission if we come back now, we obviously can't stay here but I'll book us an inn and I can do my work from there." Vader said, I felt something in me stir as he said us but I held myself back from laughing and followed him out the door- once he typed something into a holo pad that was. Once we got to the end of the hallway and walked out into the air I respectfully fell behind Vader and walked slight slower, not enough to fall behind but enough that I wasn't walking as fast as him.

Soon we were at an inn that was positivly in the middle of nowhere,
"You manage to find the weirdest hiding spots Vader." I said, I didn't get a reply and I didn't expect one. "I'm kind of impress but anyways, I'm just going to write a report for this case I was working." I explained, "Sorry if theres some noise."

I will write the report here eventually but I'm dealing with writers block right now so I'll just write the 'plan' if you could call it that down the bottom and finish it later
Split the text here when its getting boring, delete this and keep >> -Cofee run-

I sighed and leaned back as I finished writing, I yawned and looked over at Vader who looked up like he felt me watchi- right, space wizards exist. "I'm going to go get some pizza, want a-"
"I know your going to make me eat it so just get me a plain one." he said, I nodded and stood up to walk out before gasping and turning around
"Your knuckles!" I said alarmedly,
"Their fine." Vader said dissmisivly, I glared at him and got onto the bed
"No their not," I took his hands and started bandging his fingers, it took ages because I had to do them all individually and make sure he could still move the joints

Vader P.O.V

I couldn't help but blush slightly as Padme slowly wrapped my fingers up, she would slowly take each finger and move it to make sure the bandages didn't stop me from using my hand. I was impressed though, I barely knew how to bandage part of an arm and was much more skilled with just putting up with it- or force healing if it got that bad. By the time she finshed it was dark and she got up to leave "I'm getting pizza now." Padme said, I nodded.

I calmly meditated for a couple of minutes before I couldn't, something was strirring in my gut, it was an instinct, like the ones I used to have when a sandstorm was coming, like the one I had at the time my mother died(it was backed up with a vison of them killing her), and like the one before I was taken from her arms -the instinct of unease was comfirmed when the force started to get erratic and jumpy, it started pushing on my consciousness and I quickly let it show me, but it didn't.
I sat up and glared into the force and yelled as loud as I could- both in the force and out loud. Suddenly, I went dead silent as I felt Padme unconsciously scream out for help in the force


Charchters for detective scean, used spin the wheel to decide their roles but wrote their charchter descriptions with the help from some lists(first line (not including name) was traits decided by wheel, secodn line way my ideas)
(Surprisingly) dirty, thay know whats been going on to some extent, might not be involved, but they know; Completely Trusted by the Detective/Padme for one reason or another;
The definition of a chad, even the body, but brown hair instead of blond, still has blue eyes, dumb as a rock and hits on all the girls, so, yeah, a chad, I don't know why he isn't just called Chad (actually really weak and crys alot, scared of anything once it taps him,s o yeah, a chad)

Fully Innocent, Was Compleatly Out of Whatevers Going On; The Murdered;
(spelth with an A like affect and effect), your local I.T worker (and a part time detective but he never mentions that and then revelss and entire online identity stealing work shop in his 5 minute break)

The Murderer; Was a Close Friend To The Detective/Padme
but with an n, so nleo (HAHA YOU THOUGHT I WAS GOING TO SAY LEON! Veeeeery orignal), a Twi'lek, will puunch you, french accent, cannot cook to save his life, GO BUULDOZERS WOOOOO(hevily into sports, the team name is spelt like that and is definiotally not prononuced Bulldozer), Brave and has survival skills

Jack and Oliver.
Dealer In Arms; Compleatly Thinking What The Truck;
Twins, one has terrible breath one smells like pure frozem mint, Jack always gets blackout drunk, Oliver has never touched a drink into his life exeot fior when someone had a hear4t attack and needed alcohol treatment; their a package, they come together, one gets murdered, so does the other

Mr Murfty.
Main Suspect
No one knows his true/first name, maybe not even himself; incredibly strick, this is all thats known about him, and the fact he has a recending hair line, but no one ever dares to cross him. Yes his name sounds like mufty, yes he does wera the school uniform

(One girl will be the assistant)
Detectives assistant (my ideasup here: an absoloute bitch about it, detective was forced to take her on because sjhes the cheifs daughter); helps wiht the case on accedent while not being offically involved by govng Padme an idea; has a dog, dogs a good boy;
Absoloute pick me bitch, black hair with a sort of reddish tint(but a desaturated one so its kinda grey and ugly), to much winged eyliner, her nails might be mistaken as claws, had a circle of friends but apart from that everyone hates her, rude, with fan herself and pretend to faint, absoloutly means to cause harm and would be manipulative but is so stupid and full of herself, loves black(I don't steriotype colours alright), their period cramps suck but they want to get pregnant

Obssessed wih Leo, unhealthily.
Pronounce Charely, in the middle of transitoning, no one knows which way (to a boy or a girl), black eyes, loves surfing, kind of a tomboy but also likes pretty dresses, pony tail sometimes thrown up in five seconds but still somehow neat somtimes with flair!

Secondary suspect; likes penut butter, is alergic to penut butter;
Name sounds like an asshole, is surprisingly kind and gentel, butterflies are friends with her; everyone thinks shes weak but if she had the heart and training she could snap bones with her bare hands; their nick name is bue, often called Lor as well

Dating Lor(my idea up here: but it turned out bad and she turned to Della, shes got a thing for soft girls i guess); thought she was next after the orignal murder; kissable; knew about it but wasn't in it(as in the murder); sneases a
Is trans, can;t decide on Emma or Emily so they say Emily is their nick name and their name is Emma, their real nickname is Em, blue eyes, horrible bad hair days, Lesbian

Was neraly killed but the police came just in time;
A puppy dog in each and everyway minus appearance and biolagy and food and that stuff, like personality wise.

Everything about the detective is unknown

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