Jayden(m) x Kit(nb)

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TW: mild profanity, cutesy themes.


"So that's why it's written in the Gospel. Basically everything else in the Bible is debatable but the Gospel is the only thing that is matter of fact," our youth group leader said to the small group of us all.

To be entirely honest, I couldn't care less about what the magical man in the sky says. Mum forced me to come here, and now I'm stuck for 2 more years until I'm 18. Every. Single. Week

"Which books are in the Gospel again?" Kit asked. I whipped my head around to where they were sitting, and it's like I got struck by lightning.

Every time I look at them I lose my breath. Their hair is a stunning orange like autumn leaves. Their face is slightly freckled, but not overly, and their smile makes my heart blush.

"Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John," the blonde youth leader said.

"Oh it's like the song! Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Acts and Romans," my tall friend Teo started singing, "first Corinthians, second Corinthians-" I joined and sang a little bit more with Teo, but then I forgot the words.

Kit looked at us and laughed.

God that laugh is cute. They are so amazing. I want so desperately to call them mine.

"Hey Kit don't you have a dance concert tomorrow?" I ask, trying to set up an excuse to see this amazing person.

"Yes I do! I am so nervous though, you have no idea," they said, their voice getting high and thin.

"Where abouts is it? Is it too late to buy a ticket? I'd so be willing to come cheer you on." I smiled to Kit, they smiled and blushed a little bit back.

"Wait, really? I mean if you want to come then I can message you the details," they went almost bright red.

"Cool! Okay so we could potentially make that a life group thing, if you guys want?" The leader suggests.

"Nah, well I'll definitely get a ticket," I say calmly.


"Nah well I'll definitely get a ticket," Jayden said with a smile.

I know that he likes me. Do I like him? Well I'm still trying to figure that out.

Last term he asked me to be his date to his formal, but I said no. I wish he never had asked me.

"Awesome, it'll be great to have you there." I smile, trying to be as polite as I can.

I really hope his crush or whatever it is goes away, because I want to be his friend.

"Fantastic, I'll see ya there then I guess. Oh, how many dances will you be in?" Jayden asked.

"I'll be in three dances. One jazz, one hip hop, and one performance team. The entire concert is just under two hours long," I reply.

"I'll be in three dances. One jazz, one hip hop, and one performance team. The entire concert is just under two hours long," Kit says.

Oh my god Kit is probably stunning in their costume.

"Cool! Yeah I'll definitely come watch," I say, trying not to blush too hard.

I think Kit likes me. Do I like them? Well let's put it this way, when I'm around them I can barely form sentences and I can only think about holding them and keeping all the harm in the world away from them. So yes, I think that's what's known as a 'crush.'

It breaks my heart to know that they might not feel the same way, but eh, I'm used to rejection by now.

After Natalie, Sarah, Gabriella, Sarah again, and Rebecca, I thought that maybe I would have a shot with Kit; because they're different in so many amazing ways.

I got lost in thought, "Jayden? Hello?" I hear Kit saying.

"Oh, yes, what? Sorry? I was thinking."

"I was asking if you wanted the last chocolate?" Kit says, blushing.

"I was asking if you wanted the last chocolate?" I say, smiling politely.

"No thank you. You can have it," Jayden smirked.

Could I like him? He's so... Jayden. He has a terrible sense of humour but thinks he is so funny. He has absolutely no sense of fashion at all, and he is way too-

Way too...


He's trustworthy and honest and would never tell anyone's secrets, he's kind and includes everyone all the time, he's not that bad looking, and he likes me.

I'm seeing him in a new light.

"So then my tafe friend called me that night, and she was like-" "Jayden?" I cut Teo off.

"Yes Kit?" He says, looking right into my eyes. He's not looking into my eyes it's like he's looking into my soul.

"Can I speak to you for a moment? Alone, in the hallway?" I say, feeling sweat form on my forehead.

"Uhh, yeah sure," he said, blushing.

"Sorry guys, we'll just be a sec," I said as we got off the large navy crescent couch.

We walked around the corner and stood about just under a metre away from each other, I could see he was nervous, and to be honest, I was nervous too.

"So what's up?" He finally broke the silence.

"Nothing's necessarily 'up,' but I did have something I wanted to talk to you about," I said, feeling myself blush a bit.

"Oh? You can tell me anything," he said calmly.

"I... I think..." I stammer.

"It's fine, you don't have to explain yourself. You don't want to come to the formal with me. That's your choice, and it's totally alright," he said.

Those words hurt to hear. Every single syllable was like an arrow to my chest.

"That's not what I was gonna say, I was actually going to ask if the offer was still on the table? It's all good if it's not, I just wanted to ask because I had a realisation," I said.

"Of course it is. It's not like I have people lining up to take me out or anything," he laughed, leaning his shoulder against the wall.

Jesus Christ he is hot when he does that. His hair looks as soft and fluffy as a cloud. His eyes look like pools of melted milk chocolate.

Oh fuck, I am falling for him.


"Of course it is. It's not like I have people lining up to take me out or anything," I laughed, leaning my shoulder against the wall.

Kit's eyebrows raised, and they slightly opened their mouth. They kind of looked lost in thought.

"Why are you asking?" I said, breaking the silence.

"I wanna go with you."

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