Keira(f) x Fern(nb)

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Tw: medieval/magical themes, profanity, fluff.


"Farewell my noble steed, thank you again for escorting me here," I said, giving a slight curtsy.

"No problem chook, just call me when you're ready to be picked up," my dad said, kissing me on the cheek.

As dad drove away, I turned and faced reality. I was at my first ever renaissance fair.

I was scared that everyone would know this was my first time. After all, I don't want to look like a newbie.

I picked up the bottom of my full burgundy gown as I crossed the wooden bridge to enter the fair.

It experience. There are so many people in beautiful costumes, so many stalls full of beautiful stock, and I swear I could see a shimmer of gold floating around the air.

I walked through the stalls, formally and quietly greeting people as I passed, when I saw a large wooden castle on the far side of the stall column.

I immediately started speed-walking towards the castle. I'm not entirely sure why, but I felt like I was supposed to go there.

I got to the bottom of the stairs just as someone else did. It was a person dressed in silver armour.

It was a very awkward interaction, because neither of us wanted to be the first to climb the stairs.

"After you, your Highness," they said gently.

I smiled and I could feel heat rushing to my cheeks.

"Thank you, m'they'dy," I said, walking up the first few stairs.

When I got up to the fifth or sixth stair, I could've sworn I heard someone say my name. I looked behind me to see, and I missed my step, falling backwards.

Oh god, this is so fucking embarrassing. My first ever fair, and one of the first things I do is fall down a set of stairs.

Although, I didn't crash on the autumn leaves on the ground.

The knight from earlier had caught me; their arm around my back, and them dangling over me. They had saved me.

"Are you alright?"

"I-I-I think, I think so- so," I said, they were gazing into my eyes and I were gazing into theirs.

"Are you sure? Nothing hurts?" They said, pulling me up.

"Nothing hurts, thank you. You're my knight in shining armour." I said.

"What's your name?" They asked, standing strong beside me.

"My name is Keira, and yours?"

"I'm Fern. It's wonderful to meet such a lovely princess such as yourself, your Highness."

Those words tickled my insides. I felt warm and at home at this fair now, which was weird because not 10 seconds ago I felt like the whole world was crashing in on itself.

A/n: finishing here! Again, lmk if y'all want part 2 cause this one is fun af to write, love y'all's! <3

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