Harry Potter(m) x reader

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A/n: since you guys seemed to like the draco x reader part, I figured it's best to stay in those railings to find more readers.

You(reader), can be any house and any gender. I left this one pretty open.

~during a quidditch game (H-vs-G)~

"Come on Harry!" Ron screeched out to his best mate.

Great, I sat next to the screechers. Yippee. (/sarcasm)

Harry whizzed across my view, and I shifted to the edge of my seat as he went to catch the snitch.

"Come on, come on, come on!" I murmured to myself as the boy got closer and closer to the small golden ornament.

It's not that I don't like Hufflepuff, and don't think they deserve to win, I just think Harry is a fantastic seeker. That's all.

I think that's all.

~after the match, in the great hall~

"Win more Gryffindor! Win more Gryffindor!" The entire hall (besides the Hufflepuff table) was chanting.

My sister ran up to me. "Did you watch the match? It was so good!"

"Yeah I was there, sitting with some Gryffindors. Where were you?" I said with a half shrug.

"I was with a friend, she's in a different house to us, you wouldn't know her," my sister said suspiciously.

"Ok then, what's her name?"

"It's uhh, Roxy," my sister said, scratching the back of her neck.

"Cool. I don't think I know her. You should introduce me though," I said.

"Oh- I- m...maybe not tonight, she has a slight cough and I don't want you to catch it off her," my sister said, her nose and the tips of her ears turning bright vibrant red.

"Okay, just lemme know when." I continued eating a slice of a chocolate cake with red icing on it.

Right as I took a bite, the champion (and his friends) walked over to where I was sitting.

"Hello. You look miserable, aren't you happy for Harry?" The red haired boy stuck up for his friend.

"Of courweh I amn! I thgoignt thwe gaume hweas aumasing!" I said, my mouth full of cake.

"Sorry?" Harry said, smiling.

I finished chewing, and washed the cake down with a cup of water.

"Sorry. I said of course I am happy for you Harry! I thought the game was amazing," I said.

"You really think so?" Harry said, his cheeks going slightly pink.

"Mate, hand to heart, the best quidditch match I've watched in a very long time."

"Oh god, thank you very much," Harry laughed.

"Oh Harry look! We should go say hi to Neville and his new girlfriend!" Ron said, pointing and leading Harry away from me.

Harry didn't want to go though, I could tell. He looked me in the eyes with a pleading look, and he was basically forcing Ron to use all his strength and push him.

After Harry and Ron rushed off, my sister tapped me on the shoulder.

"What the fuck was that? You were TOTALLY giving Potter heart eyes," she said in a half whisper.

"What? No? Am not."

She gave me a look as if to say 'are you serious?'

"Well- I- I guess maybe a little bit-" "OH MY GOODNESS YOU ARE CRAZY," my sister said, cutting me off.

"Why am I crazy?" I asked.

"Because it's Harry fucking Potter. Ginny has been trying to get into his pants for years, and I think Hermione has a little bit too," she said with full seriousness.

"What? Hermione has certainly not been trying to get into Harry's pants, she's in love with Ron. Who cares if Ginny is into Harry, that's her decision," I say.

"I'm basically saying that Potter is a ten, and you, are definitely NOT."

I watch Harry as he tries so hard to get out of the conversation that Ron is forcing him to be in, and he notices me. He stops and gives me a small smile and a wave, to which I smile and wave back.

"Sorry what were you saying?" I turned back to face my sister.

She sighs and slaps her forehead, scooching down the table back towards where her friends were sitting.

I look back to Harry, and find that he's already looking at me. When I meet his eyes, he looks away and smiles.

Maybe I should go chat to him? I'm not sure if I should, Ron seems to have quite a tight eye on him... Maybe if I ask Ron to speak to Harry in private then I can get him away from Ron? Yeah okay, that's a good idea.

I got up from the table, and walked over to Harry and Ron, who were chatting to Luna Lovegood where she was.

"Hey Ron, do you mind if I steal Harry for a moment? I need to speak to him in private," I said, before Harry or Ron could say anything.

Ron pursed his lips. "Well I-" "I promise I'll bring him right back," I cut Ron off.

"Alright. Don't take longer than 4 minutes because I told Professer Sprout that we would go chat to her too," Ron said firmly.

"Deal," I said, smirking at Harry.

In amongst the crowd, Harry and I snuck outside to the soccer field. It's nice that they started a muggle sport at Hogwarts to make the muggleborns feel more comfortable. Somewhere when we were escaping, I grabbed Harry's hand.

We sprinted under the tall brick archways and out toward the center of the soccer field.

When we got there, I just collapsed on my back in the dirt.

Harry dropped down and lay (laid? layed?) beside me.

"Mate look at those stars," I said, distracted by the thousands of little lights beaming across the night sky.

"Yeah. The stars are beautiful," Harry said, gazing at me.

In my peripheral vision I could see Harry looking at me and I could feel my cheeks going vibrant red.

"The stars are up there mate, not down here," I said chuckling, looking at Harry.

"Oh, yeah, I know. Sorry." Harry looked towards the sky.

I looked at him looking at the stars, such a wonderful sight.

"Hey Harry?" I smiled.

"Yes?" He said softly.

"Can I kiss you?"

A wave of regret washed through me as those words left my mouth.

Harry was silent. The sounds of the party inside met with the hooting of owls and other night noises were all that were heard for a moment.

"Sorry, I don't know why I said that, just forget I said anyth-" Harry cut me off by planting his lips on mine.

"I like you too," Harry smirked.


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