#8 All men are meanies, except Pa

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The weather was so cold outside, her jumper and overcoat weren't immune to it. The chill settled into her legs passing through her jeggings though she was wearing warm boots. The insides of the Metro PD are warmer though. Bong-soon watches Guk-doo take off his jacket and reveal his stylish figure clad in chino pants and a turtleneck jumper. Ugh, so handsome.

Bong-soon's heart does a flip. She averts her eyes from him and settles into an empty chair next to his desk, not knowing what to do. This is a strange situation she is in. She and Gukdoo were lightyears apart. All of a sudden the distance between them has diminished to nothing.

Her stomach is full from the sweet burns and latte, her heart was full as well. But this light anxiety of the strange new situation still lingers. More so as she feels Guk-doo's eyes on her.

He offers her a small smile when their eyes meet.

She doesn't know but he feels glad that he could voice his feelings and also apologize. He is also relieved that he has had an opportunity to cheer her up like he used to. She doesn't look as awful as she did two days ago. This is a good sign, right?

Before he can flop into his seat, his attention is called away by Chief and Do-young. The magical moment between him and Bong-soon is broken. What was he thinking when he was in the middle of work?

Bong-soon watches the second unit cops Gukdoo and Do-young check the train station footage on a computer close by, alongside their Chief. No one is in the office. From what she gathered. The rest of the second unit is so sloppy, they manage to skip attending to their duties on most occasions.

The bombing case is such a mystery. Though there's an air of danger and uncertainty surrounding it, the suspense is solid enough to take Bong-soon's mind off other things. and Guk-doo also maintains his razor-sharp focus. just like that, the awkwardness is gone. poof. Giving way to usual affection and admiration. hells, it was gone the moment he dropped her at home the other night, the moment he stood up for her at Walnut Pie and the moment when he consoled her on the streets pulling her into a hug.

Guk-doo had been earnest about it and apologized for his behaviour that evening. but she couldn't respond in her frozen emotional state. the chance to apologize for the slap is gone. She can't bring up the topic again without being mighty embarrassed about it. I'll have to wait for another. She watches him work and sighs.

This is how their relationship had been. A bit irregular since they moved out of high-school but the same. They'd be chummy, they'd fight about silly things, bicker about bigger ones. He's curt sometimes but his overprotective streak remains constant through it all which is endearing and bothersome at the same time. But all in all, they do feel at home with each other. One is the solace the other needs.

At least Guk-doo is but... Do I mean the same to him?

She has no way of knowing because he's become a bit unreadable over these years. And why'd he break up with Heeji? He said he'd not deny his feelings. Could it be that he harbours serious feelings for me?

Seriously. She murmurs, turning away from the group of working cops with a huff. A little self-deprecating smile on her face, she drums her fingers across Guk-doo's desk. He's working and I'm here alone with my thoughts. Wait, if I bring along my sketchbook, I won't be this bored...


"This girl is clever, sir." Do-young remarks as he, Chief and Guk-doo finish viewing the cc cam footage. Morning turned to afternoon and they didn't find a clue. Is this how police work? They have the patience of saints. Well, some policemen don't possess the trait, it's why they lash out at the public sometimes. Bong-soon's thoughts are at an entirely different level, absorbed in the aura of her surroundings.

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