Back to work

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The next morning, much to my disappointment, I woke up alone. I look at my alarm clock next to my bed. I slept in! It's Eight and work starts at Nine. I have to hurry. I don't even have time to shower, damn it. So, I just spring myself out of bed to start the day.

Since I don't have time to shower, I just brush my hair, spray in some dry shampoo, and hope for the best. That's really all I have time for since the walk to work is forty-fucking-minutes long.

For breakfast, I make four pieces of buttered toast and coffee as usual because I don't like change. I am literally starving! Once that's done, I practically scarf the toast down. I don't have time for all this eating shit. I gotta go!


I finally made it to work and just on time too. I then look down and realize that I am still wearing Bastien white work shirt that he gave me this last as a dress. I didn't even put pants on before I left his house. I walked home like this. Luckily, it is a kink club, so no one really even bats an eye at me when I walk in.

I rush to the change room since all it seems that I do today is just that. I just rush everywhere and everything. I strip down and then put on my work uniform. Now that I got that on, off to work I go. 

" Hello Area, how can I help? " I asked the bartender I met on my first day.

" Good morning, Valere. You can deliver these to table five. Here you go. " She says as she hands me a try like she always does.

I carefully take the tray and scan the bar section for the correct table. Number six. Table number six. I see the table and start making my way over there. However, I can't shake the feeling that I am being watched.

As quickly as the thought comes, an action fallows. A hard slap to the ass. I turn around, expecting to see Bastein, but it's not him. It's just some drunk guy who I've never met before in my life. I'll be sure to report this to Master Bastein later.

Finaly, I reach the intended table and put down the tray. There is a group of woman sitting in a circle. They look horrified by what they just saw, so they speak up and ask,

" Does that happen often? " In a conserned voice.

" It's not sapossed to happen at all, Miss. " I respond, knowing that it's the truth.

" Is he going to get in trouble with the boss? " Asks the lady to the left of her.

"  Believe me, I'm gonna try my damest to get him in trouble. " I tell them.

" As you should. " Responds the lady to who asked if this happens often.

" Well, enjoy your dreaks. I have to get back to work. " I explain when I spot customers getting angry that they haven't been served yet.

They fallow my gaze and see them too. They simply give an understanding nod. I return back to the bar for duty. I see a tray on the table and ask,

" What table " to whoever is willing to awnser.

" Table ten. " Replies Chan quickly.

" On it! " I annouce as I pick up the tray and go to delicer it to table ten.

I walk pass many tables while looking for the right one. Table ten. I at last reach table ten in the very back. Right up against the wall. I place down the tray and the men look me up and down. They ask,

" Are you new here? " with a smile.

" Yes I am, Sir. I've been working here for a month. " I reply as kindly as possible even though I am having a terrible day today.

" I just haven't seen you before, thats all. " He says and I just nod awkwardly.

" Yeah, well,  have a nice day, Sir. " I tell him as I wave and then I turn around to go back to the bar.

" What else, Chan? " I ask when I see him making the next order.

" Pound of ribs for the couple at table two. They will also have a pint of beer. Deliver the ribs first, then come back for the pint. I know how weak you are. Be careful because it's heavy, Valere! " He instructs through his thick Korean accent as he hands me the plate of ribs.

" It's not heavy in the slightest, Chan. I'm not weak. In fact, I'll have you know that I am far from weak. " I tell him to correct his underestamation of me.

" Whatever you say, Velere. What you say. " He shakes his head at me.

Now slightly annoyed with him, I turn around, and mumble something about him being sexist. How dare he call me weak! I'll show him weak. I'll carry the plate of ribs with one hand just to show off.

With my plan in mind, I shift the plate to my right hand and start walking. With each step, gravity tells at the heavier side of the plate. So, I focus harder on not dropping but. In the end, however, gravity wins and the plate falls to the ground, leaving me horrified.

I look around before picking up the plate and straighten myself and stand up. I then run my hands over my curves to fix my dress. I look around once more and see Chan whispering to his emmployees and laughing at me. My face goes red with embaresment.

Soon he stops laughing at me. Then, I see him pick up the phone that is mounted to the wall. He waits as it rings and then stops ringing. I hear him say something about my mistake. Is he telling Master Bastien?

I relize that he was when I see Master Bastien coming down the stairs a few moments later. He does not look to pleased with me. I gulp as he aproches me. I then hear him say,

" Valere, come with me for your punishment. " as he closes the distance between us and grabs my arm.

Well shit, I guess I am getting punished once again. I rearly ever see him punish anybody else. It's always me. Why is it always me? Why do I always fuck up so badly?

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