Prologue - Show them the way

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"Show them the way," the wind whispered my old mentor's words to me. He used to say that about The Purple Pearl, the ship he'd entrusted to me right before he died. But that last time, I knew he wasn't talking about the ship, but about the ship's crew. Its current crew and everyone that will ever be part of it. For what was The Purple Pearl, if not a refuge for the lost?

As I was striding the shore of this sea forsaken island, I realized how wrong I had been. The ship was never a refuge. It had never been a place to hide. It was a way out. It was the passage from a life of despair to a future of hope. Its passengers were creatures from all over the world, going through a hard time, passing through the vibrant colors of the ship, towards a better life.

The Purple Pearl was the ship that showed you the way.

And I lost it.


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