3. thank you Will

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Wills pov:

"Come sit with us bro!" Dustin shouts over to Mike who is just about to leave the lunch Hall.
"I can't I've got to um study!" He then runs out of the situation. He's been acting weird since this morning? Apparently he hasn't been in any of his classes all day, and at 3rd period according to Lucas and Dustin he ran out the class crying. Which its so rare for Mike to show any human emotion, never mind make a big deal out of it?
Ill talk to him later to see if he'll tell me anything, he does that a lot shut people out but then he'll still talk to me. It's kinda weird? Like why just me?

"Earth to Will?" Max says as she waves her hand over my face. Shit where they talking to me?
"We where talking to you about Mike?" Max gives me a confused look as well as the others.
"Oh ehm yeah what about him?"
"We where asking about how it is dating him? Is he an ass hole or is he a gentlemen? Cause when yous where holding hands this morning he seemed very gentlemanly?" God max why so many questions?
"It was alright I guess?"
"Just alright?" El buts in.
"Mhm, well we haven't spoken all day, and he didn't finish walking me to class cause he said he had to go to his class which he didn't end up going to? So I don't know where he went after that?" I spluttered out.
"Was he acting weird before hand?"
El and Lucas give each other a worried glance like they know what's wrong.
"No he was fine." I think.
"Yeah well what where yous guys talking about?"
"Nothin much, he was asking why I didn't ride to school with you guys I told him it was nothing then he was just saying on how I can talk to him. Then after that it was just silent but not an awkward a good one. Then Troy came up to us and after that encounter that's when he left." I couldn't tell them details about that situation.
"What did yous guys talk about with Troy?" Max ask. For fuck sake.
"Ehm just the usual bullying stuff." Technically I wasn't lying.
"Like what?" She asks. I swear to God max.
"Just the usual queerler and zombie boy name calling, nothing new." That was just half of the truth.
"You sure?" Lucas asks.
"Mhm" an awkward silence breaks over us. I'm the first to break it. "Yeah well I better get going to class before miss Higgs shouts at me again for being late, bye guys!" I walk away as fast as I can to class.

After a very long class of not even paying attention I decide to skip 6th period and just head to mikes house right now to see what's up with him. I'm actually starting to get a bit worried cause he never acts like this.

I ride my bike to mikes house and go round back so I can climb in his window just in case his mom or dad is in, Ted isn't much of a fan of me.

I get to mikes window and chap on it he's at his desk writing while listening to music. I don't think he heard so I chap again. No answer. I try to see if I can open the window from the out side and it works clearly he must of heard that seen as he turns around to look at me confused as I fall on his floor making a big thump. Normally he would laugh at something like that but he was unfazed and turned back round to continue writing.

"What you writing?" I ask while going over to his desk.
"Nothin." He mumbles. What the hell was up with him?
"Yeah well you can't be writing nothing, tell me what it is?"
"It doesn't matter." Silence falls over us. Then a couple minutes later I hear him speak.
"Why are you here? Schools not over yet?" He hasn't looked at me most of the time I've been here.
"I came to check up on you, why haven't you been going to any of your classes?"
"Why does it matter to you? We're just fake dating aren't we?" For gods sake Mike look at me, I want to say.
"Yeah well your still my best friend aren't you?"
"I guess." Jesus that stung.
"What's up?"
"Nothing I just couldn't be bothered with school today that's all." He's lying.
"Mike. Why did you run out of class crying? And why didn't you sit with us at lunch?" He doesn't answer me.
"Don't say my name like that." He says coldly, I've never seen him act like this before. After all these 11 years he's never been so...cold?
"Come on Mike just tell me what's up and we can talk about it together like we used to." God what is up with him, I'm actually getting annoyed at this point.
"Yeah well some things have changed since then..."
"What the heck is that supposed to mean!" Is he taking the piss right now?
"Will can you just go?" He finally looks at me, has he been crying?
"Not until you tell me what's wrong."
"Please Will!" He looks like he is about to start crying again.
"Why though?"
"I just don't want to talk about it! Ok. I'm sorry. Now go." Sorry? What's he sorry for what?
"Look, I'm sorry for pressuring you into telling me, I'm just worried ok?"
"Yeah I know." He smiles at me God how he is gorgeous.
"How about we forget this ever happened, we go back to the fake dating thing? And if anyone ask what's wrong just say you felt sick or something?"
"Right I'm gonna get going now." I turn to leave when I feel Mike grab my arm.
"Ok." I go over to his bed and lie down signalling him to come over and lie with me.

He smiles as he puts his arm around my wait and his head on my chest cuddling into me.
"Thank you Will."

1036 words


: whys it so much easier writing in mikes pov rather than Wills?
This is litro so bad but whatever

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