14. How am I meant to comfort someone after sliting there wrists?

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Mikes pov (yippeee I love mikes pov sm x):

I'm walking into school with Dustin and I notice that Will isn't there with the others.
"Hey guys where's Will?" Dustin asks the question or me.
"Don't know." Max mumbles while shrugging. The others do the same motion. "Do you know where he is?" She ask me. Empathising the 'you'.
"Right..." it kinda just an awkward silence until the bell goes.
"Well bye peeps!" Lucas says going to his first class.
"Bye guys!" El speaks and with that everyone went there separate ways. Especially me. I am going to go check on Will.

I hope he's ok. What ever happened yesterday seemed pretty serious? Oh and what did I do? Did he actually mean it when he said he hated me?

10 mins later:

I go to knock on the door but just in case someone else is home I got to the back of the house to climb through Wills window. Once I get to the window it's opened so I climb through it but then I slowly realise Will isn't even there? Wow his room is messed up. Bed unmade. Clothes everywhere. Books all over the floor. Drawers opened. It looked like my room. Wills room was never messy? Just then I hear footsteps coming towards the room. Shit.

As I sit down on Wills desk chair that's when a scruffy haired boy came in. Wow he looked like shit. He looked like he had been crying for centuries. He was in dirty over-sized sweats. His hair was a mess. He just looked over all depressed. He then turns around and looks at me. He looks scared? embarrassed? It wasn't good, whatever it was.

"Mike what the fuck are you doing here?!" A hello would've been nice.
"Just checking up on you, how have you been?"
"Im doing great."
"Oh yeah im great as well cause superman saved me the other day." Will just rolls his eyes at me having had enough of my sarcasm. "Tell me what's wrong Will?"
"Nothing I'm literally fine Mike." Why won't he tell me what's wrong?
"Will..." I'm really worried about him.
"Why won't you tell me whats wrong?"
"Cause its none of your business Mike."
"But we used to tell eachtoher everything."
"Yeah 'used' to." Why was he being like this?
"Fine you don't have to tell me what's wrong but can you please let me stay with you." I plead.
"I don't know mike-"
"Please Will." He takes a moment to think before answering.
"Fine but only for a little bit."
"Thank you Will."

We've been cuddling for about 15 mins. With me drawing circles on his palm with my fingers. We do this for another minute but one little adjustment from Will just revealed a huge secret. Once he was adjusting him self, his sleeve accidentally rolled up. What was that on his arms? Was that cuts? Who done this to him? I'm going to kill whoever done this to him.

"Whats that on your arm?" Maybe I could've approached that alot better. He hurriedly sat up, causing me to sit up aswell.
"It's nothing."
"If it was nothing you wouldn't of acted that way." I point out. Why couldn't I approach this right? He stays silent. "Who done this to you? Cause I swear to god I'll kill whoever done this to you." He starts to tear up.
"No one done this to me." Huh??
"What do you mean? How else could this of happened? Who could've done this-" then the realisation hit me. "Wait Will you didn't-did you?" He just nods. Why would he do something like this to himself? "Oh Will.." I pull his head into my chest and he just sobs and sobs and sobs. It doesn't stop. "Why would you do this to your-" I get cut off by a muffled sorry.
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry Mike," they where whispers at first but then they started to get louder. "I'm so sorry Mike! You'll probably hate me now!" He pulls away. "I'm so so so sorry Mike. Please don't hate me. I'm so stupid why would I do this to-" what's he sorry for?
"Hey, hey, hey." I say in a soothing voice. "Your not stupid Will. And you have nothing to be sorry for Will." I say emphasising the 'nothing.' I don't really know what else to do apart from pull him into another hug. How am I meant to comfort someone after sliting there wrists?

759 words

An: I didn't know how to transition out of that so Dont mind how shite that ending was.
I did have more ideas but I might just make the next chapter prom instead of doing any of those ideas

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2023 ⏰

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