3. Lit

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Part of the university town was buildings with semi-new paint and large signs showing animations and smiling people with ridiculous products. The other half were people on the street smiling like those ridiculous advertisements. Taehyung walked through the veins of the city, with some displeasure at the strange system of buses, traffic lights, and pedestrian crossings.

It was difficult, but in the end, he managed to reach what seemed like a busy shopping area, full of cafes. He took a deep breath and started looking around.

To be honest, he had no idea what exactly he was looking for. Should I check to see if there was a sign saying that they were looking for employees or was it just better to go in and ask? The last thing he wanted was to make a fool of himself and considering that he had never applied for a job, everything was very blurry.

Back in his city it would have only been enough to be with his friends and deliver some food together with Yoongi to earn money, but now everything was different: not only did he not know anyone in Seoul, but that misery of being a delivery man or a joke It was going to help him eat well for the next few days.

He began to be grateful that basic services were already provided in his bedroom and that at least he had a place to sleep; but at the same time, he began to curse that luck. This Hoseok guy seemed to be from a good family; He had arrived with things that looked expensive, and in general gave off an insufferable classist air. Faced with that, Taehyung had to do something while he had time to get some things and not look so shitty in front of him; those things included sheets, some clothes, maybe some posters or random decorations...

Thinking more about the things he wanted to buy, he walked into the first place that had a sign in the window... only to discover that the position was already taken and that they weren't interested in hiring someone with no experience anyway.

Taehyung tried another coffee shop, then another, and another, and even a pizza place, but nothing seemed to work. Frustrated with smiling like an idiot every time he entered to be looked at ugly by his torn clothes and the strong smell of nicotine, he decided to spend his last money on another pack and lean against a far wall to smoke.

He started to panic. Night was near, and he was still out of work. He thought about the day ahead, about what he was supposed to eat. How would he live like this? Even if he could get a job, he couldn't have more money until after a few days, what would he do until then? He saw the pack in his hands and cursed himself. Buying it had been stupid, with what he spent he could have eaten a little, slept a little warmer. Arriving at the bedroom, what would he do? He could maybe use some of his clothes to cover himself on the mattress, or sleep as he was dressed at the time. 

"What a city." He said between drags, breathing badly in one and ending up coughing hard.

Without realizing it, he began to curse the entire situation, to look at the other people who were walking outside the alley with smiles and wish them death. How was it possible that everyone was having a good summer except him? He cursed his mother again, cursed the trip, cursed the university, cursed himself, and cursed the city. However, his breathing did not calm down, and even he began to tremble slightly.

 "Fuck!" He spat out some saliva and wiped his mouth with the sleeve of the jacket he was wearing; then he looked at the cigarette and stepped on it, pouting.

Fury flooded through him, and he felt ready to explode. Maybe he would yell, or he would go around hitting someone. He felt capable of anything, full of desire to do something, but knowing that he was capable of nothing.

Suddenly, the phone inside his pants vibrated. Taehyung took him out about to throw the damn cell phone away and see if he could get a beer; but at his place he stopped: the message came from his grandmother.

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