5. Cream

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Mr. Kim was working, reviewing the accounting papers for his cafe when he was interrupted by a knock on the door. Interested, he took off his glasses and checked that everything was in order.

"Come in."

Immediately, the man who entered caused him to smile.

"Hello, Jungkook-ah, what's wrong." He spoke to him cordially, kindly. Young Jeon had been working for him for almost five years and was practically part of his family.

Although if we're being fair, everyone who became friends with Mr. Kim was part of his family.

"Good afternoon, sir, sorry for the inconvenience." Young Jungkook adjusted his hair before taking a seat in one of the green velvet chairs in the modest office. He leaned in for a moment.

"Not at all, you know it's a pleasure. What's on offer?"

"Well, Sir, I have an interested party for your position. Can you see him right away?"

"I suppose so, but why such urgency, if I may ask?" Mr. Kim smiled, a little confused because normally the interviews took place a day later in his cafeteria.

"What happens is, this friend of mine is in a hurry for a job. He's new in town and has no experience."

"Academic." Mr. Kim guessed. Jungkook nodded. "Mhm, where?"

"Uh...I don't know."

"But didn't you say that he is your friend?"

"The thing is that he's recent, I haven't known him for long, but I'm sure he can be trustworthy. The only thing is that, well, since he's a student he can only work in the morning and you know how difficult it is to find that schedule, then..." The assurance of his words made the old man smile mischievously.

"Oh, I see." He lengthened his words denoting the double meaning. "Send it in."

"Really, Sir?" Jungkook was actually surprised that he agreed so easily, he was normally more cautious when hiring.

"A friend of yours is a friend of mine, and if you trust him, then all the better!" He let out a good-natured laugh as Jungkook stood up.

"Thank you." Saying that he opened the door and called someone on the other side.

Mr. Kim watched carefully as the young man entered his office. He was definitely not from the city, with his modest clothing and calm look; He lacked the hectic of the big city, and yet, even so, he noticed something particular in his eyes: a dangerous spark.

"Good afternoon." The young man bowed at ninety degrees, with great innocence despite his serious face. Mr. Kim smiled at him and greeted him in the same way.

Taehyung was surprised by how young he looked; it didn't seem like he could be the father of two girls. Jungkook, on the other hand, closed the door and left, knowing that it was no longer his place to intervene anymore.

"Take a sit." Mr. Kim instructed him, and Taehyung sheepishly obeyed. "They tell me that you are interested in the job."

"That's how it is." Taehyung sat down in his chair, not knowing what the correct position was to avoid ruining that opportunity. A look pierced him almost immediately.

"What is your name?"

"K-Kim Taehyung." He swallowed.

"Kim Taehyung..." Mr. Kim studied him with his gaze, seeing him sweat slightly under his presence, "my boy says you're a decent person."

"Completely sir." Taehyung lied through his own skin, and Mr. Kim noticed it almost immediately.

"Well, I know you have no experience either."

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