*~Problems and comfort~* Chapter 10

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How they talk
Sun: Hello!
Moon: Hello
Chica: Hi!
Freddy: Hello

Suns POV:
I woke up with Moon cuddled into my chest *Hes so cute when he's sleeping* I thought to myself *He looks so peaceful*. I go to snuggle back into him when I hear a loud bang and an "OW!" Coming from my room. I get up quietly, careful not to wake Moon and go to see what the bang was. I walk into my room to see Chica lying on the floor with my blanket and some plushies. "Chica! Are you ok?" I ask concerned "Yeah I'm fine just fell out of the bed, again" "Chica, how many times have you fallen out of the bed?" I ask "347" "NO, I mean last night" "11" she says sadly "Oh Chica" I say trying to hold in my laughter as I sit down on the bed with her. I go to say something but then I hear a loud crash from Moons room and static "MOON!" I shout sprinting back into his room. I stop at the door with Chica when I see a shelf after hitting Moons head. I run over to the bed and take the shelf off of Moon "Mi amor, are you alright?" I ask holding him in my arms. He was crying, it was very clear but there was no sound "Mi amor?" "(Static)" "Moonlight, can you understand me?" I ask getting extremely worried. He nods at me since he can't talk. "That shelf must have knocked his voice box out of place" Chica says to me "Oh mi amor," I say lifting him into my lap and kissing his forehead "Let's get him to parts and services" "(Static)" "Moonlight?" "I- (static) a-a-a (static) m-m-min m-minu-u-ute (static)" he says melting into my touch "Of course mi amor" "Uh Sol, will I book and appointment for him at parts and services because I remember them saying their not doing on the spot fixes anymore" "Please do, and tell us what time we have to be there for" "Of course". For the next few minutes Chica was on her phone and Moon was snuggling into my chest when suddenly there was a knock on the door "Come in" I say looking up at the door "Hey Sun, I wanted to know if-" Freddy stops when he sees Moon in my lap "Moon are you ok?" He asks immediately "F-f-f (static) a-a-AHH!" He screams as he gets a shock "MOONLIGHT ARE YOU OK!?" I ask as I pick him up and sit him back in my lap facing me "C-c-c (static) S-s-s-su-sun?" "Yes mi amor?" "T-t-te (static) a-a-am-m-m-mo" "I love you too Moonlight". Freddy just looks at us not knowing what to do, and Chica has tears in her eyes "Chica are you ok?" I ask her "Me? Oh yes im fine" she says hurriedly "Ok, well when is Moons appointment?" "Half twelve" "What time is it now?" Freddy asks looking at Chica "It's 11:45am" she says looking at her phone. "That's plenty of time, Freddy why did you come here in the first place?" I ask changing the subject "Well I wanted to come and see if Moon was alright after last night" He says looking at Moon "I-I-I-I'm (static) f-f-fi(static) f-f-fi(static) (pause) G-G-G-G-GA-A-A-AH-AH" he screams as sparks come flying from his mouth "MI AMOR! Rest your voice" "B-b-b-b-" "Shhhhhh, it's ok. Rest my love" I say putting my finger up to his lips.

Moons POV:
"Shhhhhh, it's ok. Rest my love" he says putting his finger up to my lips. I immediately stopped complaining and melted into his touch. I rest my head on his shoulder and try to sleep. He cradled me in his arms "Te amo claro de luna" (I love you Moonlight: sorry if it's wrong, Google translate is not working for me rn) "Awwww, you guys are so cute!" Chica says squealing. I get up immediately and try to growl at her but it doesn't come out that way "(Very angy static noises)" "Shhhhh, Moonlight rest. Chica, please don't do that again. It clearly angers him" "Fine. But I can't say your not~" "(More angy static noises)" "CHICA" "FINE" she says as she walks off to Suns room.

Ok so, there's one thing I can do that I haven't told Sun about. It's a sound I make (I KNOW WHAT YOU'RE THINKING. ITS NOT THAT) but it doesn't come from my main voice box. Yes I have two voice box's but one is for talking the other is for the sound. And I haven't done it in a LOOOONG time. And there's a reason I don't want Sun to know, anyways.

Sun lies down on the bed with me lying on his chest and rubs my head "Purrrr (cat purr)" he stops. "You purr?!" He asks excitedly "Wait how are you purring? I thought your voice box was damaged?" He asks curiously. I get a notepad and quickly scribble down on paper "I have two voice box's one for purring one for talking DONT ASK WHY" "Awwww, Moony the cat" "(VERY ANGY STATIC NOISES)" "Ok, ok I'm sorry I won't call you a cat again" I scribble something else down "KEEP RUBBINGGGG" "Haha ok I will" he says as he starts rubbing again "purrrrrr" "You're so adorable when you purr" "(happy purring noises)" "Te amo claro de luna" (I love you Moonlight) "(happy static noises)". "Now let's get some sleep before we go to get your voice box fixed" I nod as I nuzzle my head into his chest and fall asleep.

Ok, not the longest chapter but I tried ok?
It's like me and my motivation playing a game of hide and seek. My motivation is hiding and I am seeking.
Welp, thanks for reading and I'll see you in the next chapter, GOODBYE
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