*~New Animatronics~* Chapter 18

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New animatronic : Welcome to the daycare!

Moons POV:
I wake up the next morning to my alarm going off "ugh" I groan as I practically roll off the bed onto the floor "Moonyyyy" Sun groans as I accidentally dragged him with me. I chuckle as I see him laying on my chest like a starfish "Come on Sunshine, it's a work day" I say lifting him up off of me "Noooooo" He giggles as he hits my back "Hey! I'll give you another melatonin gummy if you don't stop!" I say teasing him "Ok I'll stop" He says immediately as I put him down on the floor, then I hear my phone ringing. "Wow, haven't used that in a while" I say opening my drawer at my nightstand and taking out my phone "Hello?" I say as I answer "Hello, this is Parts + Services. We require you and the other Daycare Attendant down here as soon as you can, we're in the 'Works and Repairs' section, we have a new Daycare Attendant that we need you to come collect" "Oh, uh, ok we're on our way. Thank you" I say hanging up the phone "Who was it?" Sun asks as I turn around to him "P+S said we have a new attendant that's gonna work with us and we need to pick them up" I say walking towards my closet to pick out clothes "OOH! Do you think it's gonna be an animatronic?!" Sun asks excited "Probably not, normally it's just lazy teenage humans" I say picking out a grey top, black jumper and some navy tracksuit bottoms "You're probably right, wait isn't it a work day?" Sun asks noticing I'm not wearing the uniform "They said we have to be there as soon as possible and I'm not going in my uniform" I say stubbornly "I'll do the same so if you get in trouble I will too" Sun says picking out a rainbow long sleeve, blue ripped jeans and some white Nike air forces 1's. We walk up to the balcony and I pick up Sun so we can fly to rockstar row. As we land Monty comes out of nowhere and sees me carrying Sun "Ayo are ye fellers gay?" He asks suspiciously "No we're not crocodile, now excuse us but we have to go" I say rudely as I walk me and Sun down to the maintenance tunnels "Moony that was very rude" "Yeah well it's very rude tying me against a wall just to get your boyfriend drunk" I say guiding him through the hallway. Suddenly the lights go out "Ugh, another power outage" I scoff "M-Moony? Where are you?!" I hear Sun call out scared "Shoot, I forgot you can't see in the dark. Sorry Sunshine" I say taking his hand and holding his shoulder to make him feel more safe "It's ok, as long as I have you I'm ok" He says snuggling his head into the crook of my neck as I guide him through the tunnels to P+S. Eventually we make it to P+S to see our assigned P+S worker, Anna. "Hi Anna" I say as I walk through the door "Hi Moon, hi Sun. Uh, are you ok Sun?" Anna asks as she sees Sun gripping onto me "I'm fine, I j-just can't see in the dark" "Here" Anna says handing him a flashlight "Thank you Anna" Sun says gratefully "Why were we called here at 6 o clock in the morning?" I ask even though I knew the answer "We have a new animatronic to work with you guys" Anna says enthusiastically "AHHHHHHH" Sun squeals in excitement "Sun, quieten down" I say giggling at him. Soon Anna leads us to a big cylinder for us to see a purple coloured animatronic "This is Starlight, she will be working with you guys" Anna says proudly "Oh and also, we have another surprise" She says leading us over to another cylinder where we see a light blue animatronic similar to me but happier "Lunar?!" I ask turning to Anna "Yep! Starlight and Lunar will be working with you guys from now on" "What about Eclipse?" Sun asks noticing Eclipse was the only one without a body "Um, Eclipse has to stay inside of you for now Sun because we have scanned you and you have a virus" "But I talked to the virus and they're nice! Their name is Error and they just want a body and to be nice to us!" Sun says letting go of my hand "Oh, well we didn't know that. But we'll work on getting both of them a body then, hopefully" She says writing it down on a clipboard "Well, we better wake them up shouldn't we?" She says enthusiastically "Let's start with Starlight" She says leading us back to the cylinder Starlight was in. We walk into the cylinder and stand next to the table Starlight is strapped onto. "Starlight power on" Anna says watching Starlight "Starlight.exe powering on..." We hear from Starlights voice box "You guys stay here while I power on Lunar" Anna says as she walks out towards the cylinder Lunar is in "H-Hello?" We hear a voice as i turn around I see Starlight looking up at me "Hello Starlight, I'm Moondrop but you can just call me Moon. I'm now one of 3 daycare Attendants including you and Sun" I say to her softly "Well um, you already know I'm Starlight" she says looking a little awkward that we already know her name "Hi!!! I'm Sundrop or you can call me Sun, I'm the first daycare attendant of now 3! Nice to meet you Starlight!" He says holding out his hand for her to shake it "Uh Sun?" I say kind of awkwardly "What?" He asks "Um, I don't know if you guys noticed, but I'm currently strapped down to a table" Starlight points out giggling "Oh" Sun says looking embarrassed "It's ok" I say giggling as I hug him "Hey, are you guys um, dating?" Starlight asks a little uncomfortably "I-um-uh-we" Sun blushes as he hides his head in my chest "Yes we are" I say laughing at him "Hey! By the way, you guys can unstrap Starlight now!" We hear Anna call from Lunars cylinder "Ok!" I call back as I unbuckle the straps around Starlight, she sits up on the table "Thank you" "No problem" I reply as I smile at her "GUYSSSSS LUNARS HEREEEE!" Sun screams jumping up and down as we see Lunar enter the cylinder "Hi guys!" He says, he immediately hugs me when he sees me "Hi Lunar" I say smiling "HIIII" he says hugging me tighter "Are you guys close?" Starlight asks "Yeah we are" I say smiling down at Lunar, he was a bit smaller than me "Moonyyy, you didn't tell me you were close with Lunar" Sun says making a pouty face "Well you didn't ask" I say laughing as Lunar lets go of me, then he spots Starlight "Whooo is thaaat???" He asks curious "Oh, well I'm Starlight and I'm going to be working in the Daycare with Sun and Moon" She says "Hey guys, oh and by the way Starlight has to learn how to do everything so she can't walk yet, anyways BYE" Anna says as she runs off "ANNA WAIT" I shout after her but it was no use, she was gone "I can help you walk if you want" Lunar says "Oh thank you" Starlight says blushing a little bit? I'm confused "Well, we better get back to the daycare. It's a work day" Sun sighs knowing it's one of the most chaotic days in the daycare "Wouldn't they give you the day off because of Starlights arrival?" Lunar asks "Unfortunately no, we haven't heard anything about a day off which means we're not getting one" I say heading towards the door with Sun and walking out.

Lunars POV:
"Well, we better get back to the daycare as well" I say helping Starlight up off the bed. Her legs are a little bit wobbly but we'll work on it. Starlight is a bit taller than me which I don't know how to feel about "I-I think I'm gonna fall" She say's worriedly "Don't worry I've got you if you do fall" I say holding out my arms to catch her if she falls "Now, try take a step towards me" I say encouragingly "O-Ok" She takes a step and falls into my chest "Ah, I-I am so sorry!" She stutters trying to get back up but failing "It's ok, it was only an accident" I say giggling at her "Here" I say taking her hand in mine and helping her up. She goes a bit red "Hey are you ok?" I ask concerned "N-no I'm f-fine" she stutters "If you say so" I say holding her w so at and helping her walk out of P+S. I notice her shaking a bit "You ok?" I ask again "Y-yeah I'm fine" she reply's again.
Once we make it to the daycare she can walk pretty much on her own, yet she was still holding my hand "Hey, do you think you can walk properly yet?" I ask "Uh-n-no" she splutters out knowing I'm referring to her still holding my hand. Once we enter the daycare we see Sun and Moon in their daycare uniforms talking about something "Hey guys" I say walking up to them "Hi Lunar hi Starlight" "Hi Starlight hi Lunar" They both say "Watcha talking about?" I ask "Well, we were talking about where you and Starlight were going to sleep and we figured it would be easiest if you both shared the same room" Moon says "Only if that's ok with both of you" Sun finishes "Well, that's ok with me" I say "What do you think Starlight?" I ask looking at her next to me "T-That's ok with m-me" She stutters. I see Moon whispering something to Sun and Sun agreeing "Well, where is our room then?" I ask "We figured you guys could have the old storage room so we cleared it out and put some light blue and purple wallpaper up, a bed and a hammock in the corner" Moon says "I WANT THE HAMMOCK!" I shout running towards the tower dragging Starlight with me.

Suns POV:
"Hey Moon?" I ask looking at him "Yeah?" He answers "Why do you think Lunar was holding Starlights hand?" I ask curiously "Probably because Starlight can't walk properly yet and Lunars helping her" Moon reply's simply "Oh yeah, like I did to you when you couldn't walk" I say smiling evily "Hey! That wasn't funny!" Moon says "What, when you tripped over your own foot and fell down the escalator?" I say teasingly "STOPPPPP" Moon shouts pulling his hat over his face "Fine I'll stop" I say laughing "Hey, I wonder how Starlight and Lunar are doing" I say as I head towards the tower and call the wire to get up "Hey wait for me!" Moon shouts running after me. I laugh as I hold him and fly us up to the tower and to Lunar and Starlights room "Hey, can we come in?" I ask as I knock on the door "Yep!" I hear Lunar day from behind the door. I open it and walked in only to stop myself immediately "WHAT?!" I shout as I see the room. They had already decorated it with some cloud props, plushies a desk, some light purple bedsheets for Starlight, Lunars side of the room light blue and the other light purple "Wha-how did you?" I ask speechless "Let's just say me and Starlight make a good team" Lunar says happily kicking his legs as he sits in his hammock and Starlight sitting on the bed "Starlight?" Lunar asks "Y-yeah?" She answers nervous for some reason "Is it ok if we call you 'Star' instead? Because 'Starlight' is just so longgg" Lunar says spreading himself out in the hammock to add effect "Uh- sure" Starlight answers. Moon walks in behind me "Well, you two get some sleep and charge. We'll check on you after work" He says leaving the room again "Ok goodnight Moon!" "Goodnight Moon" Star and Lunar say as I exit the room with Moon "Goodnight guys" "Goodnight Sun" They say at the same time, then laugh a bit.
I walk back over to me and Moons room to see Moon laying with his face buried in the pillow "Hey Moony~" I say sitting on the bed "hebjddhbd" He says something I can't make out since his head is in the pillow. I take his hat "Heyy!" He says as he sits up "Oh yeah, you sit up for your hat but not for me" I say making a pouty face "But it's my hat" he complains "Yeah, and now it's mine" I say shrinking in my top ray so his hat fits on my head "Mmmm" he makes a grumbling noise "Ha-ha" I say sarcastically. Moon pulls me down next to him and tickles my ray once "Mm~ Moony I'm tired" I complain, not in the mood "Okayy" he says cuddling me and whispering sweet nothings in my ear till I fall asleep in his arms.

I did it! WOO!
I did another chapter!
Well, hope you guys enjoyed and until next chapter, GOODBYE
2262 words

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