Chapter 1

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            ‘Please don’t be home’ I chant to myself as I walk up to my house from my car. I try to find excuses to stay at school longer when I don’t have volleyball practice to avoid going home. Once I even snuck out and slept at my best friend, Bridget’s house. Boy. That was a big mistake. My sister Lila doesn’t understand why I hate being home so much. But I can’t tell her. I would get in too much trouble.

            As I walk in the door, I look and listen for Him. I hear Him in the kitchen, so I close the door quietly behind me. I hope He doesn’t hear me. As silently as I can, I creep up the stairs to my room.

            “Hi Marina!” Lila says loudly as she is coming down the stairs, “How was school?”

            “Dammit,” I mutter under my breath, He had to of heard that, “It was fine. Gotta go! Bye.” I say louder and hurriedly as I start running up the stairs. Lila gives me a confused look with her blue eyes and long blonde hair. She is 19, two years older than me and doesn’t have a care in the world.

            “Well, aren’t we rude today!” she says, offended, as I rush past her. Once in my room, I throw my bag to the side and lock the door.

            “Bye dad!” I hear her shout, “I’m going to Ariel’s!”

            “Okay, bye sweetie!” He shouts back. ‘No,’ I think, ‘don’t leave me alone with Him!’ Our mom works late and doesn’t come home for a while. He won’t bother me if Lila and/or my mom are home, but once they leave. Once we are alone. It starts.

            As I hear the front door slam, panic starts to well up in me. I know I’ll have at least five to ten minutes before he comes. He wants to make sure Lila didn’t forget anything and won’t come back. While I wait for the inevitable, I curl up in a ball on my bed and start rocking.

            It’s only been a few minutes when I hear Him pounding up the stairs. Oh God. He didn’t wait as long this time. He must be angry at something. I hear him approach my door and I have to stop myself from screaming in fear. He tries the door knob, but I know He won’t be able to open it because it’s locked.

            “Marina!” He shouts angrily through the door, “you better open this door right now or you are going to regret it!” Oh my God. He is really angry today. Vaguely I wonder why, but I don’t have time because a new round of pounding starts up. I lock my bathroom door but leave it open. Quickly I unlock my bedroom door and run into my bathroom and close the door quietly.

            I hear the door thrown open and His ragged breaths as he staggers in.

            “Marina,” He coos “come out, come out wherever you are.” He says as He looks loudly for me. I hear him wherever he goes. Under my bed. In the closet. And finally, the bathroom. I. Am. Such. An. Idiot. I forgot my lock is broken! He opens the door and sees me.

            “Well, well, well” He says, “you got home late.”  From where I am standing, as far away from the door as possible, I can see that he is intoxicated. Not good.

            “I’m sorry,” I reply weakly, “volleyball practice ran later than expected.” That is part of the truth.

            “That’s too bad for you. Now you have to make dinner and clean the house this weekend.” He threatens.

            “O-okay” I stutter, “I’ll get started right now,” I say as I walk towards him so I can get out, but he steps into my path.

            “Not so fast,” He says “how about a little father daughter bonding time…” He says ominously, trailing off.

            “P-please no.” But it is too late. He already has me in his grip and is carrying me out of the bathroom. He throws me onto my bed with a little more force than necessary and I whip around painfully.

            I try to get off the bed, but he pushes my shoulder down painfully with one hand. He squeezes it and says “Don’t try to run. It will only hurt more.” This only makes me fight harder. He grabs my arms to keep me still as I thrash around. He straddles me as I continue to squirm.

            “Your pretty face shouldn’t have a look of such terror on it,” He says, “calm down, Marina, I’m not going to hurt you.”

            “Get off me!” I scream into his face. This time he brings his arm back and hits me in the jaw. I feel a wave of nausea wash over me as the cut from his ring starts bleeding. I try to open my mouth to scream, but I can’t. He has His hand clamped over my mouth.

            He puts all his weight on my stomach, pinning me down, so he can take his sock off. He takes it and shoves it in my mouth. Gross! I squeal through the nasty gag but he doesn’t care. He starts to undress me. Then He undresses Himself. What happens next, I won’t go into detail, but, I remember all the pain and everything perfectly.

He's the Reason Why- A Niall Horan FanficWhere stories live. Discover now