Chapter 3

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            I cannot believe what I am hearing. Marina told me this has been going on since she was fourteen. For three years my father has been abusing my baby sister. Three flipping years! How did I not know before now? Am I really that oblivious? Apparently.

            “And then today...” She continued with her story. When she was just getting to the rape part, she stopped mid-sentence. Her eyes grew wide and she yelped. I turned around slowly, terrified. He was standing in the doorway with his hand behind his back.

            “Hey girls” He said casually, “what are we talking about?” As soon as the words were out of his mouth, I knew he knew exactly what we were talking about. Marina must’ve come to the same conclusion because she yelps again and disappears behind her bed.

            “Marina” He scolds, “you can’t hide from me.” He walked into the room and points to the door with his free hand. “Out.” He tells me calmly.

            “No.” I say defiantly standing up.

            “Get out! Now!” He said, louder this time. I jumped from the anger in his voice but stood my ground.

            “No! I’m not gon-“ I started to retaliate, but Marina spoke up from behind the bed.

            “Lila, just go. This isn’t your fight and I don’t want you getting hurt.” She countered

            “But Marina-“ I started again, only to be interrupted by my dad.

            “Maybe you should listen to your sister Lil.” My dad said. He said ‘Lil’ just to make me angry. If anyone knows me, they know I hate being called ‘Lil.’

            “Lila, please.” Marina begged. I could hear the fear in her voice. I didn’t want to leave but I didn’t want to cause more trouble.

            “Go wait in your room,” He ordered. Reluctantly, I turned to leave.

            “Marina,” I said as I got to the door, “I love you.”

            “I love you, too,” I heard her reply softly as I walked away.


            As Lila left I stood up from behind the bed and said “I love you too” to her back. I felt guilty. I knew I should not have told her. I should have known I’d get caught. Now I dragged my sister into this mess.

            “What did I say was going to happen to you if you told anyone?” He asked evilly.

            “I-I-I’m sorry. I had to tell someone. I promise Lila won’t tell anyone! Just leave her alone. Please.” I pleaded, but it was useless. He wasn’t listening to me. He took his hand out from behind his back.

            He had a knife in his hand. This can’t be good. He’s never pulled a knife on me before. I guess this is what he meant by worse.

            “Please. Don’t.” I begged like I was begging for my life. For all I know, I could be. He took a step forward and stopped. I was terrified. I almost broke down in tears. He brought the knife up to my left shoulder. He dragged it down my arm all the way to my wrist. I started screaming in pain but something heavy hit my head. I fell to the ground as darkness overwhelmed me.


            Once I got back to my room, I sat on my bed and though of way to get Marina out of here. I am allowed to leave legally because I am nineteen. But Marina can’t. Not yet. She is only seventeen. She won’t be eighteen for another month.

            I was shaken out of my pondering by a sudden scream. The scream was abruptly cut off, followed by a loud thud. Oh God. Marina! I ran out of my room into the hallway, only to be stopped short by my dad. In his hand he had a bloody knife. Oh no. I immediately thought the worst. I have to get to Marina!

            As he steps closer to me, he wipes the blood on his shirt.

            “Please. Stay away from me!” I scream in terror. How my mother can sleep through all this noise is beyond me.

            “How can I when you know too much?” He said taking another step forward. Oh God. Oh God. Oh God. I have to do something!

            I run back into my room and head for my bed. I grab the bat that I keep behind my pillow for emergencies. This does qualify as an emergency. I hide it behind my back as my dad steps into the room. Once he is close enough I swing the bat. I hit him in the head and he falls to the ground with a grunt. I drop the bat and run to Marina’s room.

Marina was lying on the ground. Her left arm was bleeding from a cut that started at her shoulder and ended at her wrist. Her long, curly brown hair was all over the place. I run up to her and push the hair out of her face. She has a huge lump on the left side of her head. Oh no. This is not good.

“Marina, what did he do to you?” I whispered sadly. “Marina!” I said louder and more urgently as I shook her. “Marina! Wake up!” She groaned and opened her hazel eyes.

“Huh? What,” she said groggily, “what happened?”

“No time to explain. We have to get out of here. Right now!” I said as quickly as I could. I decided that I could bring her to Ariel’s house for the night.

“Okay.” She said in a daze as I sat her on her bed. I picked up a shirt and gave it to her to cover up her arm. I went over to her desk and pulled a piece of paper out and grabbed a pen. I scribbled a quick note to our mother explaining where we were and wrote down Ariel’s cell number. I put it next to her on the bed so she would see it when she woke up. I got Marina and we left the house.

*****Hey guys thanks for reading my fanfic. It's my first one so sorry if there are mistakes.

One Direction will come into the story at the beginning of the chapter 5.

Please comment what you think about this story, give me helpful criticism and all that jazz.


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