Chapter 4

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               I was just getting ready for bed when my mother told me to get the door. I wonder vaguely who could be at our door at nine o’clock in the evening and why. My wonderings were stopped as soon as I opened the door. The two people I saw standing there were the last two people I would expect to be at my door at this hour.

               In front of me stood Lila and her younger sister Marina and I gasp at what I see. Marina looked dead on her feet. She had a huge lump on her head and she was tiredly holding a shirt to her arm. She was barely able to stand and needed Lila to help keep her vertical. They were both out of breath and they were looking around frantically looking around. Lila was pale and terrified.

               “Oh my God!” I exclaimed, “What happened to you?!”

               “Long story. We will explain everything but can we come in please? Marina needs to sit down.” Lila says in a rush.

               “Yeah. Of course.” I say as I usher them into the living room in shock. I help Lila bring Marina to the couch. Then I went to get an ice pack and something for Marina’s arm. When I got back I sat down and watched Lila start working on her sister.

               While she was helping Marina, she explained everything to me. I was stunned. I couldn’t believe Mr. Snow was even capable of doing that. I didn’t think he could be so cruel. It was definitely hard to believe, but I had proof sitting in front of me.

While we were talking, Marina kept trying to fall asleep, but Lila and I kept making her stay awake. We thought she might have a concussion and didn’t want her falling into a coma as a result.  Marina kept complaining, but we ignored her.


               All I wanted to do was go to sleep. I was so tired. I just wanted to curl up in a ball and let my body relax. Lila and Ariel wouldn’t let me do this though. They kept waking me up every time I finally dozed off. I tried to protest but they ignored me, saying something about a concussion.

               Finally, after about an hour of complaining, they gave in and let me go to sleep. I laid down on the couch and let sleep welcome in its clutches.


               “What are we going to do?” Ariel’s soft voice greeted my ears as I woke up.

               “I don’t know,” Lila replied.

               “You can’t stay here. Your dad will find out where you guys went sooner or later.”

               “I know.” Lila said. She sounded worried. I opened my eyes and slowly sat up, looking around. Lila and Ariel were sitting on the couch across from me. I yawned and instantly regretted it. Pain instantly throbbed throbbed through my head, reminding me of what happened last night.

               “Ow” I muttered rubbing my head, “It’s just a headache,” I said in answer to my sister’s concerned gaze.

               “Do you want Advil?” Ariel asked me.

               “Yes, please. That would be great. Thank you.” I answered thankfully.

               When Ariel left the room, Lila came over to me and checked my arm. I winced when she touched it.

               “Does it still hurt?” She asks.

               “Only when you touch it,” I say with another wince as she prods it again. “Stop doing that!” I exclaim.

               “Sorry! Sorry!”  She says apologetically. After a few seconds she says, “Marina. What are we going to do?”

               “I don’t know. Maybe we could go to Gramma’s?” I suggested.

               “No. I thought about that. But I ruled that out because Gramma would just call home. You know her.”

               “Oh. Yeah. I guess you’re right.” I say with a defeated sigh. We are silent again as we wait for Ariel to come back with the Advil.

               When she came back I took the medicine and the glass of water from her gratefully and thanked her.  As soon as I swallowed the pill, the doorbell rang. Ariel disappeared again to answer the door.


               “N-no, Mr. Snow. I have no idea where they could be.” I hear Ariel say. I look at Marina in fear and see her face has gone completely white.

               “Oh. Okay. Well thanks anyway. Let me know if you see or hear from them.” His voice travels through the house angrily. We hear the door close and Ariel reappears in the room.

               “We have to leave. Now.” She says. I open my mouth to protest that she should stay here, but she cuts me off. “I am going with you. No if’s, and’s or but’s.” She says sternly. I raise my hands in defeat as she starts talking again. “We can go out the back door and through my neighbor’s yard to get to the main road.” We nod and rush out the door.

               We just run. We have no destination in mind. We just ran for our lives. I ran to the end of a busy street and stopped. I waited for Ariel and Marina to catch up.


               As I approach Lila, I don’t stop. I just continue running. I bolted across the street without looking. Yeah. Stupid. I know. But hey. I wasn't thinking of safety rules right now.

               “Marina! Wait!” I hear two voices scream in unison. But they were too late. The last thing I saw was a black blur. The last thing I felt was pain everywhere. Then the darkness overwhelmed me.

A/N: Hey guys. 

Sorry for not updating for so long. My only excuse is pure laziness.

 Hope you like my story so far, sorry if it sucks, this is my first fanfic and I have yet to get it right. I realize i said One Direction wiil come in this chapter....sorry.....But i SWEAR they will come in the next chapter! I promise!!

Please comment and tell me what you think. :) I would really appreciate it. :P

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