Prank Gone Wrong.. (DJWIFI)

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Nino had pranked Alya hard last year for Halloween, this year..she planned to get him back..

Nino was to say. Terrified. Of clowns.

Hey hated them, and that's how she, Kim, Alix, Ivan, and Rose would get him back.

Nino was walking down the street. It was night, but he felt safe. It was a few days before Halloween, it was all covered in decorations.

He was alone however. Seemingly..

Nino heard steps, he figured it was another person.

Soon he heard the steps quicken, a little weirded out he quickened.

This continued till they both were full blown running. Nino was already downright terrified. He ran down different streets, trying to get to the nearest house, Alyas.

But he took a wrong turn. Right into an alleyway.

Nino finally turned, hearing a cartoon horn honk before seeing it. A clown. It's creepy cartoony smile glaring at him.

Nino backed away as more and more came closer.

Ninos breath quickened as he tripped and fell, backing up.

Alya now knew he was terrified, forgetting she had a mask on, she ran right up to him.

Nino thought he was screwed, and he screamed. Hiding his face into his knees, covering the back of his neck as he sobbed.

Alya stopped when she heard it, and removed the mask.

Alya: Nino?..

Nino looked up and sobbed more as he was pulled into her chest.

All the others removed there masks and sadly looked in shame at what the prank had done.

Nino: *sob* Al-y- aha..! *talking while crying so that weird vibration in his voice*

Alya: *also crying* I'm sorry..I'm so so sorry..! *hic* sh sh sh it's're ok..

Nino was sleepily mumbling and sobbing, his chin rested on her shoulder.

Alya: cmon you wanna go home?..

Nino nodded as everyone walked home, everyone giving him a hug before they left.

Everyone apologized aswell, now the class knows that pranks on eachother? Not a great idea.

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