Sick (DjWiFi)

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As soon as Nino woke up he knew something was wrong. His stomach hurt, nose stuffed up, and it felt like he was in an oven.

Regardless he didn't want anyone worried, so he got up, and got ready. His mom had taken Chris on one of her business trips so luckily he didn't have to worry about him.

He didn't even try walking to school. So he got on a bus and made sure not to look at the window.

The amount of noise made him feel dizzy. So he quickly put on his headphones.

Adrien was confused when Nino wasn't there yet, he looked down the sidewalk multiple times, but didn't see him.

And then the bus came.

Nino sleepily trudged out as Adrien hugged him,

Adrien: hey bro! Where- *sees his face* hey..hey you ok?

Nino: mm..mhm..yeah I'm good bro!

Adrien: alright man..

Alya: hey boys! Nino?.. hey hey ok?.. *cups his cheek in her hand*

Marinette: you ok Nino?

Nino: *leans his face into her hand* m..fine..

Alya: promise..?

Nino: Mhm..*really small coughs*

Alya: *worriedly looks at him*

(In class)

Ms. B: now..can anyone tell me the answer to this? Let's choose..Nino?

Nino wasn't paying attention. He was sweating, with this tired look on his face. He felt like he was gonna fall over, sitting up was already giving him a migraine.

Ms.B: Nino?..

Adrien and Alya: *tap his shoulder*

Alya: Nino!

Nino flinched, and that was all it took. His vision clouded with black, he felt the cool wind past his face as he hit the ground. It didn't hurt, but he couldn't think anymore.

Alya, Adrien, Marinette, and literally everyone else however, was terrified. Most on the other side and behind the crew stood up and we're leaning over there desks to see them.

Alya, Adrien, and Marinette were on the ground checking on him, Ms.B calling the ambulance.

The kids got to go home early, it was luckily a half day.

Ivan helped carry Nino to his families apartment. Which was quiet.

They laid him down in his bed, and waited.

Most kids had to go home, leaving Alya, Marinette, and Adrien to watch over him.

And eventually he woke up.

Alya was dabbing his forehead with a wet towel, she was slightly upset he lied, however she was more worried. She heard him make some small noises, nothing like words, but noises.

Nino: *slowly opens his eyes and wakes up* h-heh..?

Alya: Morning..!

Nino: Al..ya..? *trying to move*

Alya: easy easy..*helps him sit up* hey..*rubs his back*

Adrien: *looks over from Ninos gaming chair* hey man! Glad you're awake!

Marinette: *pops her head in* hey! I'm just making some food I'll be in in a sec! Glad you're up Nino!

Nino smiled but then looked down, frowning,

Nino: I'm sorry...

Alya: oh Nino..*kisses his cheek* it''s not ok..but I don't care..! I'm more worried about you right now..

Nino still felt bad, but wiped his eyes and laid his head on her shoulder,

Nino: *winces in pain and curls up a bit*

Alya: *sighs* *lays her head in his head*

(When Marinettes done making food)

Marinette: *zips in with a tray* finished! *lays the tray down and hands a plate to Alya and Nino* it's just some rice..I didn't have a was that or pizza so I chose my options-

Adrien: *shoving it in his face* it's amazing Marinette! *om nom nom*

Plagg: jeez kid even I don't eat like that-

Tiki: don't flatter yourself Plagg you eat Worse!

Wayzz: now now settle down friends!

Trixx: oh shut it Wayzz I wanna see them make out!

Tikki and Plagg: Ewww!! *both fly behind there owners*

Alya: *giggles and looks at Nino* hey you gotta eat Y'know..

Nino: *groans and covers his mouth* I love Marinettes cooking, but I'm good..*groans again and holds his head* Al..ya...can I lay down..?

Alya: you know you don't have to ask..*pats his shoulder as he lays his head on her leg*

Nino: *sleeps*

Adrien: what got him so bad?

Marinette: yeah! I mean it's been a while since we called you guys for an attack!

Alya: I don't know..

After around twenty minutes of conversation. They heard Nino whimper. He griped onto Alyas shirt as tight as he could.

Alya was panicking, she didn't know what was going on, same with Mari and Adrien.

Nino shot awake and hugged Alya tight,

Nino: it hurts holy crap it hurts..! *deep and quick breaths*

Alya: I- Where?? Are you ok what's going on??

Nino: I don't know I feel freaked out and now my heads killing me and I don't- *sob* know what to do..!!! *clinging onto Alya*

Alya: *shaky exhale* *lays down with Nino still on her* *rubbing his back and humming something*

Nino: *falls asleep*

Alya: *humming slowly stops and she just stays there, holding him*

Adrien: I-I'll go get some medication..

After he walked out Marinette slowly made her way to them, sitting next to Alya.

Adrien walked in with the medication, kept it on the nightstand, and sat next to Marinette.

And that's how they slept.

In the morning Adrien and Marinette woke up to no sign of Alya and Nino, till they walked out of the restroom.

Nino was slightly leaning on Alya till he finally sat at his bed.

Nino: ugh..that- that wasn't fun..

Alya: for you or me. But, you got a little bit of something down, which is good enough to take the pill.

Nino: good grief finally.. *flops onto his bed*

Alya: *hands him some water and the pill* here just take that, and hopefully you'll be ok!

Nino: what do you mean hopefully-

Alya: just take it.

Nino: o..k?..*takes the pill and water* uh..I still feel like garbage..

Marinette: I mean- it'll take a while-

Nino: Ughhhh...

*they all cuddle up to eachother and just have movie marathons*

The next day, Nino was energetic as ever! He was extremely happy he could breath and not fall over again, everyone was happy to see him alright!

Alya: just make sure you don't lie to me like that, ok Shelly?

Nino: *kisses her* ofcourse Foxy~

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2023 ⏰

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