I could feel their burning gaze at me. They're shirtless though. I can feel their chest on my back. So there's a guy behind me. Why is a man here? I thought someone was nearby? I felt his hot breath by my neck. The raising and falling of his chest as I can feel it sped up a bit. I can even feel his body temperature start to be heated up. He held me tightly. Moving my head a bit. It felt so good having him this close to my body. The way his hand touched my head. Caressing it so gently. I couldn't help but follow his hand but in the end I ended up revealing my neck to him. He gently moves the few strands remaining as my neck is now bare to him.

"H-Hey st... I said stop" I did my best to protest

But the moment his lips touched my neck I almost moaned. Why did I almost moan? How can that make me moan so easily? What kind of power does he have for me to have this emotion? 'Ive missed you so much my love' Where have I heard this before? This voice. It sounds so familiar. Who is it? My legs started to feel weak as I felt something pierce my skin. It's a vampire. Is it the same vampire that gave me this curse? I felt my whole body feel heavy. The energy in me is slowly being drained. I closed my eyes as I was breathing heavily. I felt something pressed against my butt and it made a low moan escape me.

He unlatched his teeth from my neck and he grips me hard while saying "You are mine! I will not allow any male to touch what is mine!"

"Wh-Who are you?" I asked a bit weak

"Soon you'll remember my love... But for now... I want you to remember this... If I see a man touch you I will come back and show you who you belong to!" He warned me

We both drop to the floor as he licks my neck. It made a low moan escape me once again.

Who is he? 

Why is he doing this to me?

Deep in my heart I know who it is but I just can't remember him. My mind is blank. He covers my mouth the moment his fangs pierces my shoulder. My moan muffled as it felt so good. My whole body felt as if it was burning up. My core is pulsating in need. My body is being a traitor right now. He bites down harder holding my mouth hard as well. I moaned once again loudly. But it was all muffled.

How is he doing this to my body?

I can still feel his member on my butt. Hard as a rock. Did we have sex? This feels too good. A vampire's bite doesn't feel good. Everyone who has ever been bitten has said the same thing. Pain. Lack of energy. Numbness. But nobody has ever said Euphoria. Pleasure. Sexual.

His fingers entered my mouth and I felt surprised. The way his fingers touched my tongue it felt good. A low moan escaped from me and I just held it between my teeth as I licked the tips of his fingers. I heard his groan. It just turned me on more. He lets go of my wrist and my towel slips. I felt his hand on my left breast and I inhaled deeply. Damn. Why does this feel good? My mind is telling me to stop but my heart and body. They're ignoring everything.

I can't believe this. I felt him kissing my neck and shoulder. Slowly trailing off. He licks the tip of my ear. My whole body feels so hot. Like I am burning up. My breathing is heavy. I can feel it twitching. He moves his waist a bit and I just moaned lowly. I tried glancing back but I just couldn't see him. He moves his waist once again but pressing his hardened member on my butt and in a way I felt the size of it. Was that in me back in the past? Why does it turn me on even more? My body is basically begging for it.


Why is my body reacting like this?

Did we really do something?

Was he the one who erased it?

Erased my memories?

What did we do in the past?

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