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Jennifer's POV

In just a matter of days, HongJoong and I would be embracing the arrival of Harper's little brother or sister. The anticipation and eagerness for our new baby grew stronger each day. I was filled with excitement to finally gaze upon their tiny features and choose the perfect name for them.Waking up beside HongJoong had become the highlight of my day, yet as time passed, getting out of bed turned into an increasingly difficult task. My ever-expanding belly served as a constant reminder of our impending bundle of joy.

As our family prepared for the new arrival, HongJoong took it upon himself to ensure that everything was in perfect order. From painting the nursery to assembling the crib, he devoted every spare moment to making sure our home was baby-ready. Although I felt grateful for his unwavering support, I couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt that he had to shoulder so much responsibility on his own. 

Despite my insistence that I could still help, HongJoong gently reminded me that taking care of myself and our unborn child was my highest priority.Throughout my pregnancy, we made frequent trips to the doctor for prenatal checkups. Each appointment only fueled our anticipation as we eagerly watched our baby grow and develop through ultrasounds. The doctor assured us that everything was progressing smoothly, and with each visit, we counted down the days until we would finally be able to cradle our newest family member in our arms.

In an effort to preserve these precious memories, I had become an avid scrapbooker, carefully documenting each milestone of my pregnancy. From the very first sonogram, which captured the tiny beating heart of our little miracle, to candid snapshots of my growing belly from week-to-week, no detail was too insignificant for inclusion in my memory book.

One evening, HongJoong sat beside me as we sipped on herbal tea and nibbled on biscuits. As we flipped through the pages of the scrapbook together, he commented on how extraordinarily well I had documented each step of our journey and expressed his heartfelt gratitude for these visual reminders of this special time in our lives.

"Jennifer, I'm so proud of you," he said softly as he brushed a stray tear from his cheek. 

"You've been so strong throughout this entire pregnancy."

"I couldn't have done it without you," I replied with a teary smile.Our conversations often turned toward what kind of parents we hoped to be. As first-time parents, we felt a mixture of fear and excitement for the challenges that lay ahead. We quietly confided in one another our hopes, dreams, and concerns for the future.Late at night, as we lay entwined beneath the blankets, HongJoong often spoke to my growing belly. 

He would share stories from his own childhood and express his hopes for our child's future. His words were tender and filled with love, and every time he spoke to our unborn baby, I could feel my heart swell with emotion.As the days turned into weeks, we continued to prepare for the arrival of our little one. We attended childbirth classes, where we met other expectant parents who shared our excitement and apprehensions about becoming parents. 

There, we learned about the different stages of labor, coping techniques for managing pain, and the essential items to bring to the hospital.HongJoong was especially eager to learn about the role he would play as a birth partner and diligently studied each piece of advice. We practiced various methods he could use to provide physical and emotional support during labor. 

I knew that with him by my side, we could face any challenge together.One day, as we eagerly awaited our baby's arrival, HongJoong decided to compile a playlist of soothing lullabies that would help guide our baby into their sleeping routine once they arrived home from the hospital. As he researched songs from various cultures and time periods, I noticed that his excitement for parenthood grew even stronger.

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