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Subject #7Name: Sevyn Walsh

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Subject #7
Name: Sevyn Walsh

Time: U̶̦̓̿͠n̷̥̉̀̄̀͝͠ͅk̴̠̫̰͖͘ͅn̸̠͍̺̗͑ȍ̴̭̻͉ͅŵ̸̧̞̳̥̤̀͌́̽n̶̙̈̈́͗

Date: U̶̦̓̿͠n̷̥̉̀̄̀͝͠ͅk̴̠̫̰͖͘ͅn̸̠͍̺̗͑ȍ̴̭̻͉ͅŵ̸̧̞̳̥̤̀͌́̽n̶̙̈̈́͗

Location: U̶̦̓̿͠n̷̥̉̀̄̀͝͠ͅk̴̠̫̰͖͘ͅn̸̠͍̺̗͑ȍ̴̭̻͉ͅŵ̸̧̞̳̥̤̀͌́̽n̶̙̈̈́͗

Today's subject is known as Sevyn Walsh. My name is Dr. REDACTED and I am recording this message to keep track on the progress on test subject number seven. So far she has been unresponsive. All modes of physical attempts at awaking subject seven have been futile... and so have auditory methods... perhaps we should just be patient. She'll wake up eventually.

End of recording...

I sat up and rubbed my eyes. They were burning. My head was pounding as if I had gotten super drunk last night. My whole body felt achey and weak. I finally opened my eyes and was greeted with a semi-dark room. The walls were empty and blank. I felt like I was in a concrete box. I tossed my legs to the side of the bed I was on and attempted to stand. My legs gave out underneath me and I collapsed, against the bed thankfully.

"Ugh what happened...?" I asked myself as I hoisted myself up back to a sitting position on the bed. My whole body felt like it was spinning...

Suddenly I felt super sick to my stomach and immediately ran to grab, what I assume was, a trash can to spill my whole stomach.

After I had finished throwing up my guts I sat back on the bed to gain back my bearings.

I stood up and walked around the room after finally getting myself together. I still felt dazed but it was going away slowly.

Exploring the mostly empty room I discovered there was only a few things in this room. A medical bed, some plain cabinets, a medical computer, a plain white door that almost blended completely to the wall, and finally a small, barred up window at the top of the room. That was the only light source even though I could see that there was indeed lights in the ceiling.

I tried to open the door but there was no door handle to pull. I even tried pushing the door and to no avail. I banged on the door "hellooo?! Is there anyone out there?" I hollered out.

No response.

I tried again but only received silence in return.

I sat down on the bed again and sighed. I was unsure where I was and how to escape. It's plainly obvious that damn doctor poisoned me with something that made me pass out and he abducted me...

My thoughts were interrupted by the lights above suddenly cutting on. My eyes snapped closed and I shrieked as I covered my eyes. The light was so bright it burned my eyes! I eventually, little by little, allowed the light to enter my eyes and to allow my eyes to adjust to the new present light.

I could see better now. There was a mirror to the left of me and some type of speaker that was embedded in the corner of the room. As well as a camera on the right side of the room that was pointed directly at me.

"You're finally awake.. welcome back to the conscious world, Sevyn.."

A male voice sounded over the speaker spoke which startled me up. I stood up and looked at the camera. "WHO ARE YOU?! WHY AM I HERE?!" I shouted at the camera.

"You already know that answer, Sevyn..."

"It's the reason you came here in the first place..."

"...remember yet..?"

He spoke in a slightly annoyed voice.
I recognized his voice. It was that same doctor as before. I turned to the mirror, as I had figured it was a one-way mirror like in police stations, and I banged on it. "You can't just keep me in here like an ANIMAL! I thought I was testing a simple medicine not being KIDNAPPED!" I shouted angrily.

He chuckled.
"You are! It's just a more closely monitored version. In case you have a bad allergic reaction or something really bad happens..."

"It's also an easier way for us to administer more doses to continue the testing process.."

"Oh and don't worry you are still getting paid.."

He said in a chilling tone.

"Well what am I supposed to do all day? Just sit here and do nothing? What about my school? Or my mom? I'll bet they'll be worried about me!" I groaned and flopped on the bed.

"You do not have to worry about that. We have went ahead and informed them of what you're apart of and that after about a month or so you should be able to return. We have it handled..." he stated.

I'm honestly not sure how long I sat in this bright, white room. But the door opened and three people entered the room. Two guys and one girl. All were dressed in lab coats and face masks.

"Good afternoon, subject seven. Today we will be taking some blood from you and testing it. If you would please sit back, relax and let us do our work." She said in a cold tone. She snapped her fingers and the two guys went on either side of me and held my arms down. I tried to struggle free as I did not want to be pinned down.

"I said RELAX!" The woman said as she administered a shot in my leg. It hurt immensely but then all feeling in my body faded quickly. I was numb inside and out. My body went limp and the two male nurses had my limbs pinned down by leather straps. "Much better, right?" She smirked and snickered. She turned and tinkered with some tools before taking a small needle that was attached to a machine.

The machine buzzed as it extracted my blood. I couldn't feel anything thankfully but I was still filled with fear. "I-I don't wanna do this experiment anymore. K-keep the money.. J-just let me go h-home!" I said in a fearful expression. "Sorry girlie, but you should've read the fine print. Once you start you can't back out~" she chuckled.

Once the machine was finished she removed the needle and placed a small gauze with tape over the wound. "See? Wasn't that hard, now was it?~" she smiled and took the blood viles. The male nurses were about to unstrap me but the lady stopped them. "Leave her. Maybe she'll learn her lesson and stay still next time." She glared at me before they all left. There I was...


And alone...

Test Subject #7Where stories live. Discover now